Chapter 30-Family Friday

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A song on the side that is not related to the story. lol

I love it - Icona Pop ft. Charli


Chapter 30—Family Friday

The night when Cristoph punched Andrew square in the face in front of me, I didn’t know whether or not I should feel lucky that my two brothers are becoming protective of me. Sure, they have been protective of me ever since. They even told me that they have recruited Andrew in their “crew”.

Now, they were the ones trying to protect me from Andrew. It’s not that it’s a bad thing but…Maybe it’s just me…I don’t want their friendship to drift apart just because I fell in love with Andrew and I’m getting hurt in the process. I don’t want their friendship to be affected by it in anyway. But I guess it’ll be inevitable because I’m their sister—their only sister.

I know it’s not as if what happened made a huge dent on their friendship but there was still a dent, I believe. The three of them aren’t as stubborn as I am. They weren’t close minded so maybe I should just hope for the best that whatever may happen in the future, they would still be friends. That goes for my friendship with Andrew as well.  Whether he’d like me (at least) back or not, we could still stay as friends.

“You okay?” Andrew asked. I didn’t realise he was already standing at the door frame of our bedroom with his left hand holding an ice bag over his left cheek.

“Coming from you, really?” I told him mockingly with one of my eyebrows raised. “I should be the one asking you that.”

“You seem to be in a deep thought.” He mumbled as he made his way towards me or should I say the bed?

“Naah, I was just thinking about…” I immediately cut myself off before I could tell him that I was thinking that we could still stay as friends even if our feelings may not be mutual. “About…”

“About?” He pushed as he slid into the bed next to me.

“Life…outside the universe?” I told him unsurely. He was giving me a you’re-crazy-look then tell-me-look. “Alright. I was thinking about Christian and Cristoph punching you.”

He nodded at me, obviously trying to hold back a chuckle. I then continued. “How can you guys be so chill about it? I mean I saw right before my eyes how you two chatted as if he didn’t punch you and you never told me about Christian punching you.”

“He punched me when I’m assuming you were with Cristoph. I wouldn’t act like a baby and call you crying just because Christian punched me.” He told me, looking at me straight in the eye. “Plus, we guys aren’t like you girls. When we say we’re okay, we really are okay.”

I nodded as I take in what he said. I then asked him the question that has been running through my mind whenever I look at him. I kept my gaze at him and asked.

“I’ve been thinking, Drew.” I mumbled making him look at me encouragingly.

“What should we tell people when they would ask about that?”I asked as I pointed at his bruised cheek. He then touched it as he thought of alibis. We then laughed and planned our alibi just like the old days.


Friday morning passed by in a blur. Daniel and Emily weren’t pestering me about how my date was with Andrew but Daniel would make it a point to make subtle comments about asking my brothers to come and visit me often for their sake.

When lunch time came, we all went down to have lunch together. However, I didn’t know Andrew have other plans for me. When I got downstairs, I found Zoey and Courtney talking outside the lobby. I could remember hearing Max’s whisper to himself when he saw my two best friends.

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