Part 1 - Meeting the Team

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You are in the car with miss pauling driving up to the base, you had your favourite teddy bear with you and you are excited to be away from your parents for a while, it made you feel independent and since your the social type, you can't wait to meet new people,
"so (y/n), are you excited to spend time with some new faces" miss pauling asked with her eyes still on the road
"yes i am" you said with a smile on your face, you still weren't sure why miss pauling chose you over a lot other girls but you didn't mind,
when you and miss pauling got to the base, miss pauling helped you out of your chair and headed to the rec room where all the mercs were waiting, when you and miss pauling got there all the mercs looked at the door and you suddenly feel a bit shy and holded your teddy close to your chest,
"boys, this is (y/n) and she'll be staying with you for a while to help you all bond with children" miss pauling said
all the mercs look at you and you study them carefully, there was a boy with a hat and headphones on with bandages around his hands, a guy with a helmet on over his eyes, a strange creature, a guy with an eyepatch on, a big tubby guy, a guy with a yellow helmet and a yellow glove on his right hand, a guy with a long white coat and red gloves on, a guy with a hat and sunglasses on and a guy with a stick in his mouth and a suit on.
Scout walks over to you with a smile on his face and kneeled down to your level,
"hello tuts, the names scout and welcome to the base" he said "let me introduce you to the others" scout picks you up and walks over to the others
"this one is soldier, he can be quite loud sometimes" scout said pointing at soldier
"hello little maggot" soldier said with a little saulite
"your hat is to big, i can't see your eyes" you said to soldier making him chuckle
"this one is pyro, he... loves to play with fire" scout said pointing at pyro, pyro gave a mumble in response
"he looks like a alien" you said to scout, scout giggled
"this one is demoman, he loves to drink a lot apple juice" scout said pointing at demo and trying to not tell you that's he a drinker
"nice to met you lassie" demo said
"are you trying to be a pirate?" you asked demo
"no this is what i look like most of the time" demo replies
"this one is heavy, he loves sandwiches and sasha"scout said pointing at heavy
"hello (y/n)" heavy said
"you look like my teddy but a person" you said making heavy smile softly
"this one is engineer but you can call him engie, he likes to build stuff" scout said pointing at engie
"nice to meet you darling" engineer said
"do you like to build many things?" you ask engineer
"oh lots of thing even things you wouldn't believe" engie said
"this one is medic, he will make you better if you fall over or have an accident" scout said pointing at medic
"hello liebste" medic said
"hah, you said a funny word" you said laughing making medic smile from your cute laugh
"this one is sniper, he likes to sleep and chill" scout said pointing at sniper
"g'day sweetheart" sniper said tipping his hat
"i've never seen a hat like that before" you said "it is you special hat"
"yep it's one of a kind" sniper said smiling
"and lastly, this one is spy, he's very good at playing hide and seek" scout said pointing at spy
"hello lapin" spy said with a smile
"your stick is on fire" you said pointing at spy's cigarette
"oh i didn't notice" spy said as he took the cigarette and put out the fire
"did pyro light it?" you said looking at pyro
"he must of done" spy said chuckling
"all right i'll show you to your room" scout said "has she got luggage?" he said to miss pauling
"yeah it's in the car trunk, i'll bring it up" miss pauling said and left to get the luggage
"come with me tuts and i'll show you to your new bedroom" scout said and took you to your new bedroom
when you got to your room, it was a plain room with a bed, draws, a wardrobe and desk with a chair but you didn't mind you ran to your bed and check it was comfy and bouncy, it was both and you started bouncing on the bed,
"careful tuts, you might fall off" scout said
you heard him and stopped bouncing on the bed when miss pauling came along with your bag and suitcase
"here is your stuff (y/n)" miss pauling said and put your stuff near the draw and wardrobe, you went over to your stuff and started sorting them out, you put your clothes in the draws and wardrobe, your toys and other things in certian places and lastly you put your teddy on your bed,
"there, now i'm going to sleep, good night" you said as you climbed into bed, scout walked over and kissed you on the forehead
"goodnight tuts"he said and walked out and shut the door and you drifted off to sleep.
A/N - Here is a translation and spy and medic call you
Medic - Liebste - Sweetheart (sniper and medic are calling you the same name and it also means favourite)
Spy - Lapin - Bunny (i thought it will be cute for spy to call you bunny)

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