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"ARE YOU SURE YOU GUYS ARE OKAY WITH ME HELPING?" Teresa asked as she walked with Henry and Regina toward Granny's Diner

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"ARE YOU SURE YOU GUYS ARE OKAY WITH ME HELPING?" Teresa asked as she walked with Henry and Regina toward Granny's Diner. "I wouldn't want to intrude on your mother-son time..."

"Six eyes looking for the author are better than four," Regina said. "It's really okay, Teresa."

"Alright," Teresa sighed.

Regina walked up the steps of Granny's Diner and pulled open the door, allowing Henry and Teresa to walk in.

"Regina!" The three of them looked over as Ursula spoke. "We could use a heart rip over here. Granny needs a little encouragement in taking our order."

Teresa couldn't help but glare at the dark-skinned woman. She had the nerve to pull up Regina's past right infront of her son. What if Henry didn't know about her past? This could immediately drive a wedge between them.

"Yes, a very effective tactic," Cruella commented. Teresa could see from the corner of her eye that Regina took her sons hand. "Didn't you once rip out the heart of every villager in the north woods?"

"Or was it the south?"

Regina gave them book a look before turning to her son. "Uh, why don't you head to my office, get started on the book with Teresa?"

"Sure," Henry nodded. "Make sure to get chocolate frosted doughnuts, not chocolate doughnuts, okay?"

"Mm-hmm," Regina hummed, a forced smile on her lips as she tried to keep herself calm for her son.

"Come on, Teresa," Henry muttered. With a final glare toward the two former villians, Teresa left the Diner with Henry.

Teresa scoffed as soon as they were outside. "They have some nerve."


"Bringing up your mother's past like that! I mean, they don't know if you know who your mother used to be."

Henry smiled at her concern, which was really not nessciary. "It's okay, Teresa," he reassured her. "No matter what they say to me I would never listen to them. I know who my mom used to be and I know that she's changed now."

"It still irks me," Teresa muttered. "I have a bad feeling about those two. They've been nothing but bitter since they've arrived."

"They're trying to redeem themselves, at least give them a chance."

"I am, but if they don't knock it off with the attitude someone's getting an arrow immedded in the knee cap."

Henry raised a brow at her. "You've done that before?"

Teresa smirked. "They deserved it, trust me. Guy tried to manhandle me and Snow. He got what was coming to him."

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