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"WE CAN'T JUST SIT AROUND WAITING FOR THEM TO GET BACK," Henry sighed. It had been almost an hour since Emma and Hook disappeared down in the elevator, and he wasn't the only one growing impatient and bored as they stood around doing nothing but waiting.

"We don't have a choice, Henry," Regina said to her son. "The minute Emma and Hook get off this elevator, we're going straight through that portal."

"What about Operation Firebird? We can't leave the Underworld without helping the people trapped here."

"They were trapped here because of Hades. Who, fortunately for them, will no longer be a resident."

"She's right," Hades agreed. "The Underworld will function as it was meant to...a place for people to deal with their unfinished business without anyone getting in their way."

Henry frowned in disbelief. "Yeah...but a lot of the people down here don't even know what their unfinished business is. But maybe as the author, I can tell them."

Henry waited for a response, hoping someone would agree that his idea to help everyone would work, but suddenly, the door opened and Robin Hood entered, carrying baby Hood.

"What's going on?"

"Great. You got our message."

Robin's eyes widened tremendously at the sight of Zelena and Hades. "What are they doing here?"

Zelena rolled her eyes. "Hello to you, too. Are you just gonna stand there, or are you gonna let our darling daughter see her mommy?"

Robin turned to face Regina, seeking an answer to as why they were both present. "Regina."

Regina sent him a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Robin. As hard as this is to believe, they're actually helping us."

"We both want the same thing," Hades said from where he stood with Zelena. "To leave this place."

"It's true. He took our names off the tombstones. We can leave."

Robin nodded, raising an eyebrow in surprise. "Well, then what are we still doing here?"

"Boy Scout's got a point," Zelena said. "We could take the baby to the cemetery now and then all walk through as soon as it opens."

David shook his head at the red haired with. "Not without Emma and Hook."

"And Henry's right," Regina said, which caused Henry to brighten, for someone was actually agreeing with him. "We can still help people. Robin, take the baby to the portal."

The leader of the Merry Men stared at his love in shock. "No. I'm not leaving you in this place. He may be playing nice, but there's still plenty of people down here that have a grudge against you."

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