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╔═════ ═════╗CHAPTER FORTY-NINEBIRTH╚═════ ═════╝

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THEY HAD BEEN CHAINED TO TREES. Teresa was absolutely furious, her glare was fixated on Zelena, who stood amongst them with a victorious and smug look plastered on her face. Next to Zelena was Arthur and Merlin, the letter of the two having but no choice to side against them as Arthur continued to wield Excalibur. It was dead silent as they waited for Emma to show herself, the blonde having gotten a message from Merlin to meet them in the woods with the dagger and the spark.

Teresa hands were bound behind her back with iron chains. On the tree next to hers, was David. And behind her, she could see Robin. Her heart was racing as she still colony see Henry. She wondered if Zelena had left him elsewhere, but that he was most likely on a tree that she just couldn't see.

It wasn't much later that Emma arrived, her white cloak dragging behind her as she held both the spark and the dagger in her hands. Her face held anger.

"I brought the dagger and the flame, but you don't get it until you free my family."

"No. You will hand it over now, or I unleash Merlin."

"Emma, please," Merlin said, with a shake of his head. "I don't want to fight you."

"No, but I do." Zelena smirked. "So, now that mommy's got her magic back...tell us, Dark One. What are you gonna do?"


Teresa panted as she ran down the hallway of the hospital. Soon, she reached Snow and skidded to a stop so she wouldn't knock into her friend. "I came as quick as fast as I could, what's the emergency?"

Just as Snow replied, a scream could be heard from the nearby room. "Zelena's having her baby."

Teresa's eyes widened. "WHAT? But she's, like, three months!"

"Two," Snow corrected.

Teresa rolled her eyes. "How the hell is she already having the baby?"

"Dark magic."

Teresa sighed, her face lighting up in realization. "Emma..."

Snow nodded. "Yea."

Belle then suddenly came running down the hall, panting, as she held a large hard back book in arms. "Belle, what is it?"

"The baby..." Belle panted. "Emma needs it to complete her spell."

Teresa's eyes widened. "Like hell is she getting that baby."

The trio barged into the room, where Belle then placed the book at Zelena's feet, the now huge pregnant woman clutching at her belly as the contractions were beginning.

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