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HENRY RAN THROUGH THE WOODS WITH EMMA RIGHT ON HIS HEELS. The mother and son were heading toward Regina's hideaway home before Snow and David found them again. It was even more concerning that they hadn't seen Teresa in the village with them, which meant she was still looking for Regina. They hoped she hadn't found Regina yet.

"How much further is it?" Emma asked.

"We're almost there!"

"Are you now?" Henry and Emma came to an abrupt stop as Teresa emerged from the trees on their left. Her bow was up, with an arrow ready to fire and end their lives. Henry quickly took in her appearance; her clothes were solid black, even her bow, which was usually brown and now belonged to Regina. On her face was a sinister smirk, something Henry never expected to see on her face.

"I was only out here to find Regina, but boy does my day just keep getting better." A large grin pulled onto her face. "Before I kill you, mind showing me the way to Regina?"

When they remained silent, Teresa hummed, a tight smile on her face. "No? Well then, this may hurt." She fired, her arrow lodging into Emma's right foot.

Emma let out a cry of pain as she fell to the ground. "Ah!"

Teresa smirked and advanced forward, this time her arrow that was nouched was aimed directly at Henry. "Now, I'm going to ask again, and this time you're going to tell me where I can find Regina or your son will be choking on his own blood."

Emma's eyes were wide in panic. She didn't know where Regina's hideaway home was, Henry did, so even if she wanted to, she couldn't tell her.

"You have thirty seconds unle — "

Teresa was cut off as an arrow penetrated her stomach from behind. Her eyes widened and a pained gasp escaped past her lips. Her hands fell, causing the arrow she had ready to fire, graze Henry's arm.


"Henry!" Emma gasped, her eyes widening in fear and worry.

Henry stumbled, grimacing in pain as he held his bicep. When he pulled his hand away, he found blood coating his palm. He was in luck however, as the arrow had only grazed his arm. It would stop bleeding soon.

Teresa's limp body fell to the ground, revealing Regina, who slowly lowered her bow. "Your welcome," she said, her eyes solely on Henry, as she couldn't see Emma from where she stood. Regina then left, leaving them in shock.

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