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A LOT HAPPENED AFTER ZELENA GAVE BIRTH TO HER AND ROBIN'S BABY GIRL. While Teresa had stayed back with Robin and his new baby at the hospital, Regina had left with Snow and David, to Emma's house. They had found Zelena — after being taken by Emma — long gone. But not only was Zelena gone, Emma was there, and on her wrist was the same cuff that was on Zelena's wrist. According to Emma, Hook had placed it there after taking some of her memories.

Yes, that's right. Hook.

It turns out that while they were in Camelot, Emma had used Excalibur to turn a dying Killian Jones into the Dark One, thus making the both of them a Dark One.

Teresa knew as soon as she heard it, that Dark Hook was not going to be pleasant at all. He despised the Dark One for hundreds of years, and now with himself being one, things could only end up bad. Teresa feared what Hook has in store for them.

"Well once a pirate, always a pirate," Teresa said, releasing a sigh as she leaned back in her chair.

Around the table, early in the morning, she sat with Regina, Snow, David, Gold and Belle. Then, much to her dismay, Emma stood in the room.

Teresa will always be thankful to both Emma and Hook for bringing her to Storybrooke through Zelena's portal, but since she learned of Emma's twisted plan to break her heart, she couldn't help but hate the new Emma. The sooner they got rid of the darkness the better.

"As a man, Hook spent centuries trying to kill me. It makes sense that revenge would be on his mind."

"Why wipe my memory if he was going to announce his plan anyway? There must be more to it," Emma said.

"Yeah, well, even if there is, we only have until noon to stop him. And to save you." Belle brought her hands up from underneath the table to hold Gold's.

"What about Merlin's message?" Teresa said. "He said this Nimue person is the key to stopping the Dark One. Could she help us?"

"Nimue was Merlin's true love," Emma said.

"And she was also the first Dark One."

"I know. How do we find out more about her?"

"Start your search with the Dark One chronicles. There are many texts that can help us."

Teresa raised an eyebrow and fought back a snarky remark. Dark One Chronicles?

"As much as I appreciate devotion to scholarship, there is an easier way. I am still a Dark One. I can protect you, Gold. You just have to take off the cuff." Gold chuckled, causing Emma's face to drop. "You don't trust me.

"Well, if the situations were reversed, would you trust me?"

Emma then turned to Teresa, who sat next to Snow. "Teresa, I saved your life, I brought you to this realm — let me save us again."

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