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"RIVETING TALE," Hook said as he stared at the page before him. Henry had written a page about Snow and David, and had no memory of doing it whatsoever. "Snow likes oatmeal. Is my morning breakfast in there, too? Henry, I thought you were gonna use your author powers to get us to defeat Hades."

"I don't even remember writing this. I just woke up and had it done," Henry said.

"Okay. It's really..." Emma glanced at the page before turning to her son. "...well-written."

Teresa rolled her eyes.

"Yes, and the illustrations are lovely," Regina said.

"Maybe if you focus harder..."

"Oh. So you're all authors now? Everyone's a writer. Everyone's got an idea," Henry snapped in annoyance. "I'm doing my best. Maybe if you just laid off for a little bit..." Henry grabbed his papers and retreated back up toward the stairs.

"Henry, where are you going?" Regina asked.


As soon as Henry was upstairs, Emma let out a sigh. "Well...we officially have a teenager on our hands."

"Or maybe you guys need to give him some time?" Teresa said, giving both his mothers a small glare. "He's never been the author and had to write things before."

That being said, Teresa moved past Alice and Regina, heading for the stairs. Behind her, she could hear Emma let out another sigh, most likely complaining about now there be two teenagers.

When Teresa reached the top of the stairs she turned the corner and gave Henry a questioning look. "Mind if I join you?"

Henry glanced up from his hands and gave her a nod. She sent him a warm smile as she crossed the room and threw herself down into the bed. She crossed her arms behind her head as the room grew silent, with Henry trying to write more.

It wasn't uncomfortable silence though, it was almost like silence that both of them needed in that moment. Her presence even seemed to help a bit, as Henry picked up the pen, the urge to write getting stronger once more

The silence had given Teresa a chance to think...about Elsa and Anna, if the more peppy of the two sisters was having a baby yet; about her father and where he was in the world; about Snow and David being obviously saddened with not being with Baby Neal that needed them now as an infant than ever; about her possible future with Henry Mills...if he was even able to re-write Hades story and get their names off the tombstone. She believed that he could, but she had her doubts as well, that were only really there because of her fear of the Underworld.

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