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THE NEXT AFTERNOON WAS COLD AND WET. The sky above them was crying rain drops, as were many of the people that were dressed in the color black. Teresa never favored death, and she especially hated the death of the funeral she was currently attending.

He had died protecting the woman he loved, and in result, Zelena did killed the man she loved.

One by one people stepped forward and placed an arrow — which had a rose wrapped around the middle — a top the coffin.

Teresa had always thought of Robin Hood as her closest thing to a father figure, given his and Marian's kindness toward her when she was just a child and was alone after her own mother abandoned her because she was afraid she would hurt her. He had even been kind enough to gift her with her first bow and arrows.

Teresa Holmes would forever remember Robin Hood.

When it was time for her to place a rose on the coffin, she stepped forward with Henry, the two of them sharing an umbrella to shield them from the falling rain. They both delicately placed an arrow on top of the coffin and stepped back as to let Emma, Snow and David walk up next.

As Teresa and Henry moved to stand behind Regina, Zelena arrived, carrying her and Robin's baby girl. Teresa's heart clenched as she realised that the tiny bundle in Zelena's arms would never get to meet her father, and the poor girl never even got to be named by him or his mother either. And little Roland, he was old enough to have known who his father was, and he was going to be an orphan.

Zelena stopped at Regina's side and glanced at her sister with a frown. It only made Teresa even more sad. The young archer couldn't even imagine how Regina felt right now, with having had to say goodbye to her true love, Alice, once again, and then now permanently losing Robin at the hands of Hades himself. And the saddest thing of all, was Robin Hood wouldn't be able to move on and find peace. The crystal was now forbidding him from moving on. As Regina had said Hades explained it, one minute you will be living, and the next, completely non-exisiant. You would ne loving one moment, dying the next, and never moving on or even going to the Underworld. Teresa didn't know where Robin would end up now that he could do either, but she knew it was most likely nowhere pleasant.

When everyone else began to leave as to give Regina, Zelena and the baby some privact, Teresa laced her fingers in Henry's, and the teenagers left the cemetery with heavy hearts.

For Robin Hood was something to the both of them.

After the funeral, everyone had made their way to Granny's. The diner wasn't cheerful like it usually was, instead the air hung heavy with sadness and dried up tears. At the counter, Teresa sat with Henry, her head resting on his shoulder as they sipped cocoa together in sadness.

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