Ticci Toby

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I really can't believe that this story has 19k readers! Thank you! I never thought that I would get so many reads haha. 1990 words...  Well,  ENJOY!! :D 

Walking through my messy but empty house I see that I left the tv on. I roll my eyes and grabbed the black remote to turn it off, but quickly read the words on the screen. Another murder, this has been going on for awhile and to be honest, everyone wasn't as scared anymore. The people that don't live hear probably wonders why we aren't as scared anymore, and some people would say that it has been so many murders that you were expecting to be next. But some people are sure that it is a group of "people". They wouldn't even be described as people by our small town anymore, it was more like "Monsters" now days.

Dropping the remote on the couch, I walk into my kitchen to get some snacks for what ever I was about to do next. I look around to be sure that all the windows and doors were looked before I turned the movie on. I realize that I had left one unlocked and quickly locked it, not wanting someone to visit through there tonight. 

I walk over to the family sized chips bag and sit down on the couch, I grab the remote control once again and click on the black button with red texted, read as 'NETFLIX'. I take a sip from the glass I had poured some coke into earlier and choose the movie I thought looked the most interesting and start to watch it. 

1 hour later, and one hour into the movie I heard a loud noise come from one of the bedrooms on the 2nd floor, I ignore it at first but when the second one was heard I thought I could check it out. Grabbing the remote for the maybe 100th time today, I pause the movie and place the bag on the couch next to me, I stand up and start to slowly walk upstairs. The noise could be heard over and over again, and I was pretty sure that this would be the last time I ever see light again. The last step came closer and the noise got louder and I think I stopped breathing for awhile since I breathed out to get air. Placing my left foot on the 2nd floor I could hear the noise suddenly stop, like someone or something realized that I was there. 

The next thing happened so fast, I only remember it a little bit. Footsteps could be heard and were growing louder as I placed my left foot down on the stairs again. I could feel myself go back when someone grabbed the doorknob and about to open the door. And that's when it happened, I fell backward, rolling down the stairs knocking myself out. And before I was out cold I could hear the faint words.

"Oh shit" 


I started to drag her unconscious body out through the door, I realized that it would look weird if I dragged her across the street into the woods, so I decided to place her over my shoulder making it look like I was carrying her. Going through the tall green trees I place the knife against the tree making the famous SlenderSymbol. I do the same on the tree beside it, and soon enough the well known purple-ish color comes up in front of me. I step in, still carrying the girl on my shoulder, I look back at her unlocked house and wonder what her reaction is going to be like.


Sooner or later, a big epic looking mansion comes up in front of me and I step in, looking around I see that no one was home yet. I ignore the fact that Smiley's, the dogs, food were splattered all over the floor. I wanted to clean it up, and I placed the girl on the couch just as I cleaned it up. Then I lifted her up again and walked downstairs into the basement and placing her on the cold metal table that was placed in the middle of the room. I looked over at the girl laying there peacefully and wondered once again what she would think when she wakes up. Deciding what to do I grab her wrist and tighten the belt-ish thing that was placed there to keep her from escaping or trying to hurt me or somebody else. Not that I would feel it... But still. I could die.

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