79. Love Sucks

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Ace, who was not prepared in the slightest for my sudden outburst, took a few steps away from me as I unleashed hundreds of unholy screeches from the pits of my stomach.



Absolutely not...!


I'd rather rip out all of my hair in one go...!

"E-Eh? Cordelia???" Ace yelped as he watched me breathe and puff out air as if I were some sort of ogre.

"Ace..." I murmured, my voice scarily quiet.

"Y-Yes?" Ace asked me warily as he maintained a good distance from me for his own safety.

"Love...is a forbidden topic from now on...okay? No more love. Screw all love. If anyone dares to utter the word love, I will rip out their heart and eat it...Do you understand...?" I asked a little darkly as I channeled my inner Grey-energy.

In response, Ace nodded his head quite quickly as he worked toward calming me down.

"How about we go grab something to eat? You must be hungry...you haven't eaten anything in a long while after all," Ace said with a refreshing smile on his face as he carefully led me all the way to the dining room in a hurry.

Throughout the entire walk, I was on my guard as I looked out for any flags that would lead to my inevitable confession.


I shall never confess...

"C-Cordelia? Are you alright?" Ace asked me as he held a concerned expression on his face.


"You've been mumbling something under your breath for a while now...so I was just wondering..." Ace said a bit awkwardly as he sat me down on a comfy seat.

"Oh, don't worry about it...It's fine...Yes...Everything will be fine...I will make sure of that..." I muttered quietly as Ace called for a servant to grab me something light to eat.

Soon, the dining table in front of me was filled with plates piled full of sweets and delicacies along with a piping hot pot of refreshing peppermint tea to compliment the winter season.

I couldn't stop my mouth from drooling a little as I stared at all the desserts in front of me.

"What are you waiting for, Cordelia? Go ahead," Ace laughed a little as he watched me try to absorb the food through my eyes.

He picked up a small macaron and held it up to my lips with a loving smile.

Geez...what is with that look on his face...?

He acted almost as if though he were staring at something very precious and sweet.

It was the type of sugary look that would easily make even the world's coldest woman melt at the mere sight of it.

But here he was, easily giving away such a smile as if he were actually in love with me.

'I'm delusional,' I thought to myself as I ate the macaron in Ace's hands.

And just like this, Ace himself continued to feed me slowly.

"Mmph...Wait, Ace, it's fine. I can eat on my own, you know," I said as my mouth was stuffed to the brim with cookies.

"Oh, I see," he nodded as he didn't stop picking up more sweets for me to eat.

"Yesh...sho pwease stahp before meh cheeks exshplode [Yes...so please stop before my cheeks explode]," I tried to say as the capacity of my mouth reached its limit.

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