35. Smile

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I introduced Deux to my family and the rest of the male leads.

Each of them had hated Mattius before, and since Deux had the same face as Mattius for obvious reasons, they refused to believe that Deux was someone else.

They treated him harshly.

But over time, they realized that Deux had a completely different personality.

He was nothing like Mattius.

He was someone completely different.

So, in the end, they accepted him and asked for forgiveness for acting irrationally.

None of them knew who Deux really was.

And none of them asked.

They couldn't dare to ask.

Deux was broken.

It was obvious to everyone.

So, instead, they did their best to make him feel home.

He was pampered like the pet dog of our family even though he was always the most mature.

I'm glad...he was accepted at least.

But I had bigger matters on my hands.


I could feel it taking control of my thoughts and emotions.

There were too many things wrong with the Marquis family.

How dare they.

How dare they do that.

How dare they commit so many different crimes.

How dare they hurt Deux like that...

I needed to uncover all their secrets.

To end all their plots.

To bring justice to them.


I need time.

I'll ruin them.

Whether it takes months, years, or even decades...I'll make them wish they never dealt with me.



One Week Later



"Hey! Make sure you guys don't get into trouble at school, alright?!" I yelled as I tackled both Ash and Deux.

The two of them were a year older than me.

So, obviously, they would need to enter school exactly one year before me as well.

To be honest, I was worried to let the two of them go off to school, especially when Deux wasn't used to normal society yet.

But...He would have to go on his own eventually...so I didn't argue against him leaving.

"Get off of me, you stupid piece of trash," Ash groaned as he pushed me off of him.

"Aww~ But I'm just worried about whether you'll be able to take care of yourself properly..." I pouted.

"...Why do I always feel that you think I'm younger than you...? I'm older than every other kid here, so stop treating me like I'm immature," Ash said with a sigh.

"Alright, you two, let's not get too carried away, alright?" my father asked with a chuckle as he stood between us.

Does Ash think he's the oldest one here?

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