39. Fangirlism is Incurable

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Something in my heart began to wake up when I saw the Marquis and Marquess standing so casually in the center of the school as if nothing was wrong.

Why were they even here in the first place...?!

I thought the couple announced to the entire aristocratic society that Mattius went missing during a trip to the capital...

No one knew that they were the main reason behind Mattius' death.

And we couldn't even tell any adults about the Marquis and Marquess' real self...if we did...Deux's identity as Mattius' half would have a high chance to be discovered.

The fact that Deux was the one who ended Mattius' suffering would be found out as well...

The world...isn't a very accepting place for people like Deux.

I can't let him go through all that.

Anyway, the Marquis and Marquess didn't have any reason to be here.

So...Why were they at Greenwood Academy when they supposedly had no son to enroll?!?!

I looked over at Deux slowly to see his reaction.

He wasn't saying anything...he was just staring at his parents blankly.

I felt a small twist in my heart...

Deux...had been empty and emotionless...for a very long time.

Even now...he didn't even show a single change of emotion even though his most hated parents were right in front of him...

But there was nothing I could do right now to help him.


I couldn't cause a commotion here...or make the others worried...and I couldn't let the Marquis and Marquess find Deux with us by grabbing their attention...

It was frustrating.


I hated it.

"Are you having mood swings...? Why are you suddenly so upset, brat," Ash asked with confusion clearly written on his face as he watched my face with a frown.


I was accidentally glaring.

"I-Uh...I'm fine..." I said slowly.

My voice was really shaky.

...Seeing the Marquis and Marquess must have really messed me up...

"Humph. Whatever. I don't care," Ash sighed as he turned his head out of the window again.

Deux gave me a small sideways glance, but he slowly averted his eyes away from me after a short while.

I was about to change the mood of the carriage by changing the conversation, but Ace spoke before I was able to say anything.

"...Who are they...?" Ace asked as he slowly pointed to the Marquis couple.

Ace was staring at me with questioning yet...troubled...eyes.

He looked perplexed as if something was heavily burdening him.

...Ace...why do you look so hurt...?

...Is there a chance...you remember them...?

Can you remember...?

"They...those people...are completely unrelated to us...Ace. Why are you asking...?" I asked with a forced smile.

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