13. Storming Away

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I have updated TWO CHAPTERS today in celebration of "Another Life, Another Me" reaching 10,000 views!!!!

If you haven't read the chapter before this one, go back to read it.

Okay, enjoy the chapter!


I think my headache came back.

I am NOT ready to deal with another capture target.

Unlike when I was meeting the prince, this one came out of the blue.

Who knew that I would meet my brother, Ash, today?!

In the game, my father found him in the slums on one of his trips to the town. He found out that the orphan, Ash, had extremely strong magic: rare plant and mythical stealth magic.

So, he decided to adopt the kid and make him the heir.

Cordelia ignored Ash the whole time in the game.

You would think that he would have no reason to kill me, right?


Like all of the other capture targets, he fell in love with the heroine. 

The game's Cordelia hated Ash at the time since he stole away her father's affection that she never had.

So when she realized that her brother had a crush on a commoner, she used this chance to bully and harass her. At some point, Cordelia almost killed the girl.

In the end, her brother found out.

In his anger, he challenged Cordelia to an official duel.

The rules of an official duel were simple.

    1. Both sides must consent.

    2. Martial arts and magic are both allowed.

    3. The challenger has the right to choose the location, time, and place of the duel.

    4. To win, one side must die or surrender.

    5. In the case of a draw, both sides must trade something of great and equal value.

Declining an official duel was equivalent to death for nobles. So, foolish Cordelia accepted the challenge thinking that she was going to win.

After all, Cordelia wasn't weak. She also didn't know how strong her brother was after ignoring him for many years.

Ash won with ease and killed Cordelia in the process. Since no one loved Cordelia, there was no one who mourned her death.

Currently, I stared at the boy before me.

Even though he was acting adorably respectable, his eyes were clouded.

I frowned.

"His name is Ash. Please treat him well, Cordelia," my father told me.

He smiled at the two of us and I smiled back at him.

"Okay, Daddy! Can I play with him?" I asked as innocently as I could.

"Yes! Of course! He will protect you from those beasts after all..." my father said cheerfully.

I grabbed the hands of the child before me and dragged him out of the room.

Technically, he was older than me, but my greater mental age did not permit me to leave him alone.

I ran to the garden as far as I could away from the estate while holding his hand. During this, I gestured to Ace to leave us alone.

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