46. All Secrets Get Found Out Eventually

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"S-So...can anyone...t-tell m-me what they know a-about the First H-Holy war b-before we start...?" Mrs. Loli asked the class.

No one raised their hands to answer her.

Apparently, our class didn't have "that one smart kid" who always raised their hand whenever the teacher asked a question.

Of course, the boys and I were very smart, but we weren't the type to answer a teacher's question and make a name for ourselves in a class when we already had so much attention.

I expected Mrs. Loli to just pretend like she never asked the question and to simply move on from the subject, but before she could, the twins raised both of their hands at the same time.

Those twins were kind of creepy.

They were able to predict each other's movements with such startling accuracy that it almost felt that they could read each other's minds.

In fact...it felt that they were able to read anyone's mind, including mine.

But that would be impossible...since it was something that they weren't able to do in the game from what I remember.

Maybe they had...good intuition?

But something about them still felt a little off to me.

"Ah, t-thank you...Please, g-go ahead..." Mrs. Loli sighed in relief when she realized that someone was willing to answer her question.

"The First Holy War was against Macrog, the land of demons..." Min started as he stared at Mrs. Loli deeply.

"...and the one who was able to end the war and challenge the all-powerful and wicked demon lord, Escaliantor I, was the first hero, Rosewald," concluded Lin as he also stared deeply into our teacher.


"Th-That is a-absolutely correct...You a-answered exactly h-how I would h-have answered this q-question as well," Mrs. Loli chuckled softly.

If my suspicion that they could read minds was true...

Couldn't they just read the teacher's mind to answer the question?!?!?!

That would not be fair on so many different levels.

Imagine how many students would love the ability to read their teachers' minds...

"T-The war b-began because t-the demons from Macrog terrorized t-the citizens of Silverbell. According to history books, all t-the d-demons of t-the past h-had a w-wicked nature," Mrs. Loli started.

It sounded like something out of a fairy tale.

A wicked demon lord gets killed by a righteous hero.

It's been overused.

"Because of this...the honorable and kind king of Silverbell of that time...enlisted the aid of a prophet...who foretold the birth...of a powerful hero..." Mrs. Loli started to speak slowly in order to get rid of her stutter.

The first hero...

His fate was sealed from the start...I wonder how he felt about that.

"On the first day of the year...January 1...at the exact moment when the clock struck...12:00 AM...a healthy boy was born...in the village of Greenwood...the place in which our school...Greenwood Academy...was named after."

Suddenly struck with a question, I raised my hand.

"Where is Greenwood Village now?" I asked Mrs. Loli.

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