Special: Price of Blood (Part 3)

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A/N: I overestimated how long this last part was going to be by A LOT. So I decided to split it into two chapters and update both. You're welcome~

Please read the chapter after this if you haven't already!!

This chapter is dark, creepy, and etc. All the trigger warnings in the past parts of the special apply here as well. Don't read if you don't enjoy a bit of gore too.

Also, there's important plot info in this part of the special, including scenes that Cordelia doesn't know about! Don't skip it just because you think it'll be a repeat of past chapters~ ;)

Alright, that's all! Please, enjoy the chapter~


For a few days after that, I retired to my room, taking the time to think in silence.


Do you know?

I met a girl like you.

She had your eyes.

She even acts the same way that you would have acted if you were still alive and happy.

Whenever she looks at me, I feel like you're right in front of me again.

I can see you smiling.

Like you're in front of me.

You must be upset at me for thinking this way, right?

I'm disappointed in myself too.

I'm the one who killed you.

I miss you so much.

Are you somewhere watching me?

Can you hear me?

I don't know what I should do.

What should I do...?

I spoke to the ghost of the girl that had always haunted me until this day for killing her.

She stood in the corner of my room, her bloodshot, lifeless eyes staring back at mine.

No matter where I went, she was always following me.






I decided to attend classes one day after a week or so of absence.

But I horribly regretted it the moment that I did.

For some reason, humans crowded around me wherever I went, nearly begging me for attention, which left me no room to breathe.

It didn't help that the awful side-effects of my bloodlust suppressants would come and go throughout the day, worsening my mood.

By the time I made it to my last class of the day, martial arts class, I was already quite worn out and I collapsed in the corner of the room as my head spun in circles, leaving me breathless and dizzy.

Vampires need blood.

Even if I took bloodlust suppressants, it didn't change the fact that my body needed blood—the pills only forced my mind to think that I didn't.

As my vision blurred and the world seemed to spin in front of me, at some point, I passed out on the ground, still surrounded by a large group of humans.

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