Special: Two Minus One is a Half (Part 2)

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A group of assassins trailed me one by one.

Their footsteps were so loud that I was able to pinpoint each of them easily.

I ripped one's throat out with my bare hands.

I killed another by choking him to death.

The annoying sound of their blood dripping down onto the brick pavement of the city coated my ears in a neverending curse.

Killing these guys would've been a lot easier if I could use my magic...but unfortunately for me...these guys had anti-magic amulets.

So, I was forced to kill a majority of them by hand.

But I was careless.

I let one of them sear my skin with a burning sword.

An overwhelming amount of pain nearly took away my consciousness but it was quickly numbed by the adrenaline coursing through me.

The wound I received...was technically bad enough to kill me...but I didn't let it slow me down.

I can't die.

There were only two more assassins left that I had to kill.

If I die now...everything I had done to survive would be pointless.

And...I have a feeling that the other half of me...wouldn't know what to do if I died.

He's useless on his own, isn't he?

So, the only thing left I could do was run.

I didn't care about anything else.

I had one goal...

...and that was to survive.

I ran around the city...hoping that all the blood I was losing wouldn't kill me.

My mind was dizzy and I felt faint.

And then a miracle came...in the form of a girl.

Her sudden arrival was so surprising that even I stopped to stare at her.

She was younger than me, and she carried a pair of aqua eyes full of curiosity and mischief.

The assassins behind me became distracted and they paid attention to her, not me.

They examined her somewhat beautiful features and became infatuated with her...

So, I ran away and abandoned the girl with them.

I didn't care about what they would do to her.

It was her fault for interfering either way.

Unfortunately, one of the two assassins decided to continue chasing me.

I turned around and tried to fight back, but my strength had dramatically decreased thanks to my wound.

He was easily able to grab my arm and toss me over his shoulder.

My wound burned at his touch and I nearly lost my ability to breathe.

I tried to claw his arm off of me, but it didn't work...and he was able to bring me back all the way to where the little girl was.

He threw me on the ground harshly and the wind was knocked out of me.

To be honest, the world was spinning and I could barely comprehend what was happening.

But I didn't let my horrible physical state knock me unconscious.

I forced myself awake and watched from the ground as the girl's leg was snapped in half by the assassins and as she revealed her magic.

Another Life, Another MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon