68. Bells Ringing

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My father...


To who?


When in the world did this happen?!

"My dad's...finally getting remarried..." I murmured as I glanced over the letter about a hundred times.

"Is that...a bad thing...?" Florence asked me carefully.

"No...not at all. This is amazing..." I whispered with a smile.

"When is the wedding?" Ace asked as he glanced over my shoulder.

"The first day of spring...A few months from now," I replied, completely unfocused to everything around me.

I can't believe my father is getting married to Sophie!

Shouldn't he have told me about this sooner?!

And what's worse...instead of telling me in person, he decided to tell me through a letter of all things...

"Wait. Does Ash know?" I turned to Florence in a hurry.

"Yeah, I handed him a similar letter earlier," Florence nodded as he confirmed that my brother knew our father was getting remarried.


She was like a mother to me ever since I came into this world...

If I had to choose, there would be no one in the world better to fill the position of Duchess than her.

"Who knew...my father could actually pull this off," I giggled a bit at the situation.

My father was a completely hopeless handsome man who was only good at doing his work and nothing else.

I didn't even know it was possible for him to get a girl.

Sorry, Dad, but it's true.

"Congratulations, Cordelia," Ace smiled by my side.

"Haha...You should be congratulating my dad, not me," I replied with a chuckle.

A duke getting married to a mere maid...

This would likely be the main topic of rumors for weeks to come.

People are ruthless in high society, so I'll have to be careful from now on.

Of course, I'd gladly...eliminate...anyone who'd dare to talk trash about Sophie behind my back though...

"Lia...? You okay...? You have a scary look on your face," Florence said with an amused worried expression on his face as he tried to snap me back to reality.

"Huh? Uh...probably," I answered absent-mindedly, which only made Florence raise another eyebrow at me.

"Well, the Duke has already planned a visit to the castle for tomorrow. It seems that he was too busy to come here personally to tell you himself," Florence said.

"Will Sophie come too?" I asked, a small squeak forming in my voice.

"I believe so," Florence smiled.

A warm feeling began to fill my chest.

Sophie was going to marry my dad...!



A While Later



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