22. Acting Like I'm An Idiot Again

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The kid in front of me had shining silver hair and big round eyes that shone with the color of the sky. He was literally sweating in his nervousness and looked like he wanted to cry...


In the game, Mattius was the coolest character!

He was supposed to be the silent and cool type that would melt a girl's heart. He would rarely smile too, and if he did, he would cause every woman around him to pass out.

So why the heck is he such a wimp in real life?!

"Hello?" I questioned the kid in front of me.

"H-HI! I'M...MATTIUS!!! ...N-NICE TO MEET YOU!" the kid yelled in his nervousness.

"...Right...Uh...Anyway, my father and I must go...get something to eat...so...err...yeah..." I tried to say politely.

Something is definitely wrong with Mattius.

Very wrong.

...Did the storyline change?

Mattius is supposed to be a smart, calm, cool, and collected character. He isn't supposed to be a wimpy coward who cries at the sight of a girl.

In the game, Cordelia met Mattius at Greenwood Academy.

Cordelia had very little friends at the time. In fact, the only people she knew were Florence, Grey, and Ash, who all secretly hated her.

In her desperation to escape her loneliness, she clung to Mattius, the lone wolf of the school, who also didn't have many friends.

However, Mattius didn't want or need any friends. He preffered to quietly spend his time studying. After all, Mattius was a very studious and hardworking kid.

This was because he had incredibly strict and abusive parents. So in order to make them feel even a little happy that he was alive, he studied until he was even smarter than the prince, Florence, who was known to be the genius prince of the century.

But Cordelia believed that studying was a waste of time and threw away all of Mattius' notebooks into a lake under the idea that she was "helping" Mattius. 

Not only that, she did numerous other things to stop him from studying and to get him to notice her. Cordelia wanted her "friend" to only pay attention to her.

Mattius' studious behavior dropped thanks to Cordelia and his parents noticed. His parents grew angry at their son's worsening behavior and physically abused him even more.

This caused Mattius to resent Cordelia more than he already did. 

But even before Cordelia began to interfere in his business, he had already disliked her. After all, Cordelia was only using him in order to feel less lonely.

Cordelia didn't view Mattius as a person. She viewed him as an object.

She was utterly fake in every way.

And Mattius hated it.

One day, Mattius met the heroine in the library. In the beginning, he didn't really have a big impression of her. In his eyes, she was just a normal girl.

However, the next day, he discovered that his perfect test scores were tied with another person's. Up until that point, he was always the undeniable top of the school, so he was surprised to hear that someone was able to match his scores.

Eventually, he found out that it was the heroine who tied with his scores.

The two of them met again in the library later by coincidence and they slowly bonded.

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