52. Warm Rain

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I believe that it is safe for me to say that my life is now utterly ruined by that man.

Therefore, no one would blame me if I kill him, right?

Murder is okay in these situations, right?

He is evil, so it's okay, right?


"Cordelia...are you alright?" Ace asked me as we were walking to class.

...Did I look alright to him?!

"Ugh...I don't even want to talk about it..." I muttered as I smacked Florence's hand out of my hand.

Ever since that red-haired dude told the most ridiculous lie known to mankind...the boys were now following me around everywhere in order to make sure I didn't feel lonely.

"Lia~ Why are you so mean~? Are you just...shy?" Florence purred as he looped his arms around my waist from behind me.

"Touch me again...and I'll cut off your hands," I growled as I held my hands up threateningly.

"Yes, yes. I'd like to see you try," Florence said without flinching as he kissed me on my cheek from behind.

"DO YOU WANNA DIE TOO?!" I screeched as I round-house kicked him in the chest.

"Every time I'm near you, my heart beats so fast that I feel like I'm dying. This is nothing, Lia," Florence chuckled as he withstood my kick.

In response to his words, I just stood there with my mouth agape at his flirting.

Without a doubt, my face was likely flushed red.

"Lia~ Your face is red...could you perhaps be...embarrassed?" Florence asked with a devil's grin forming on his lips.

I shuddered.

"...I'll meet you all in class," I said loudly as I sprinted away at full speed.

Leaving Florence, the twins, Ace, and Lilly all behind together, I made it to our classroom and slammed open the door loudly, causing everyone's heads to turn toward me.

At that exact moment...it started raining...blood.

Nearly half of my classmates had consecutive bloody noses that shot out of their noses like water fountains.

And about a fourth of my class passed out.

What was going on???

Was the bloody-nose disease spreading even further?

What if someone dies of blood loss???



These bloody noses have been happening quite often around me...

What if...I was the reason...?

Was it possible that...after blessing their eyes with the godly male leads...the moment they laid eyes on a below-average human being like me...their brains malfunctioned and they died?!

Oh no...

That would be terrible.

Right now, I probably looked like a mess.

I was sweaty after running for my life, my hair was all ruffled, my legs were weak, I could barely stand properly, my eyes were out of focus, my breath was uneven, and my face was flushed red.

It's no wonder that some people passed out from horror.

"...We were too late..." Florence said as I heard him step up behind me.

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