99. Wedding (Part 1)

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Florence stood in shock, completely unable to register what I had done.

"I can't believe you...I thought we were all friends. And yet you...you..." I muttered as I took a  step back from him.

In my eyes, the Florence in front of me was practically a monster.

Maybe a demon had possessed him at some point and I had no idea.

But right now, I could honestly care less.

How dare he.


Finally, he used the nickname that he affectionately gave me in the past.

But it was already too late.

"I don't even understand how you can say half of the things that come out of your mouth and expect me to still be fine with it..." I whispered as I turned away from him and prepared to storm away.

I was just so mad that I didn't even know what to do.

I hated this.

I hated it.

I hated it.

I hated it.

What in the world was going on in his head?

I could have honestly cared less if he continued to harass only me but...if he was planning on hurting any of the other boys, I would immediately draw the line.

"You're not allowed to leave me, Cordelia," Florence snapped as he gripped my hand and held me back from going anywhere.

"Give me one good reason why I can't," I spat.

With his hand, Florence grabbed my chin and forced me to face him.

"Because you belong to me, right?" he said as his green eyes flashed red and an unnerving grin appeared on his face.

I shuddered.

"I don't belong to anyone, especially not you," I frowned as I twisted his hand off of me.

"Are you sure? Even after all that I've done for you?" Florence asked.

"And what have you ever done for me?!" I asked.


All of a sudden, an empty silence covered every inch of the room and I felt a strange chill run down the sides of my back.

"Hah...hahaha..." Florence laughed.

It was the insane sort of laugh...the kind of laugh that would make anyone stop and watch to see what was going on.

"F-ck. Well, whatever. It doesn't matter either way," Florence chuckled as he let go of me, "Just know that I will never let you escape me. Never."

"...We'll see," I said as I brushed off his hand and left.

Even though today, the day of my father's wedding, was meant to be a happy day, I felt sick to my stomach, and it was all because of one man, Florence.

Surely, there has to be a reason why he has changed so much...

But what?

It was as if though I were missing something...a key piece to a puzzle.


What happened to you?



One Day Ago



The first day of the wedding celebration was a small party held at the dukedom estate.

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