18. Learning is Always Hard

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I believe that I said this before, but...


If you guys forgot...HE KISSED ME! AGHHH!

It's so frustrating and...e-embarrassing...I HATE HIM!



When I woke up from passing out, I could hear some weird rumors about the prince, Florence, going on a rampage last night.

I'm sure they are all just made-up rumors since Florence is the first prince of Silverbell. He wouldn't be so stupid as to tarnish his reputation for some unknown reason.

Even though I hate every single little thing about him, I'm pretty sure that he's smart enough to keep his composure even if he is mad. 

After all, he's the first prince and he had no reason to be upset. I AM UPSET, NOT HIM!

I sighed.

When I looked to my side, I could see that Ace was still sleeping on my bed, so I tried to leave as quietly as possible.

But when I sat up from my bed, I jumped up from surprise.


Standing in front of my bed and observing my every movement was my personal servant, Grey.

Was he watching me sleep?!

I shuddered.

I understand that the game makers of "Love, Love in the Super Cool Magic Academy of Hot Guys" gave Grey a twisted personality themselves, but this is too much.

Grey is sadistic for pure entertainment. There is absolutely no romance in his words or actions. He just likes seeing people in pain.

Therefore, he is evil.

"H-hey there, buddy...Uhh...What are you doing there...?" I whispered with a slight stutter. 

I tried to talk quietly in order to not wake up Ace, but there was no doubt that Ace already realized I was awake...I bet he's just pretending to be asleep.

"Of course I have a reason. Milady is always in constant danger of assassination. At night when milady sleeps, she is at the highest risk for dying," Grey answered quietly as if he was logically correct.

...Does this devil take me for a fool?!

"From now on, you are forbidden from watching me sleep ever. If you want to guard me, do it outside of my room," I tried to say quietly and politely.

"It's best if I guard milady in her room. Excuse me if I'm wrong, but it is safest this way," Grey said with a bow. 

I could hear him smirking quietly.

...I also hate him. I hate him!

"Ugh...Do as you like! I don't care anymore," I groaned out.

"Yes...According to milady's wishes, I shall do as I like," Grey said with an air of triumph.


I stomped away from my room with a small pout. But I could hear Grey following me from behind.

"Agh! STOP! AHGDISNDSIXJAKM!!!!" I yelled. 

If Grey wasn't evil, I would've enjoyed the fact that an extremely handsome boy was following me around. 

But he's evil. So...GET THIS HOT BOY AWAY FROM ME!!!

Obviously, I couldn't shake him off, so instead, I asked him to do me a favor.

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