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21. Doing things that scare you makes you happier.

22. When you cry for joy, the first tear will come from the right eye, but if you cry for sorrow it will come from the left side.

23. The happier we are, the less sleep we need.

24. Those who worry about "What will others think of me?" believe that the opinion of others is more important than their own.

25. Marrying your best friend eliminates the risk of divorce by more than 70%.

26. Wise people tend to underestimate themselves, and ignorant people think they are brilliant.

27. Women who have mostly male friends are more likely to stay in a good mood.

28. A wise person knows that one can learn something from everyone.

29. Your brain does more creative work when you are tired.

30. Chocolate releases the same chemicals into your body that are produced when you fall in love.

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