1231 - 1240

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1231. Bullfrogs and dolphins are some animals that barely sleeps or don't required sleep.

1232. "We often feel that we lack something, and seem to see that very quality in someone else, promptly attributing all our own qualities to him too, and a kind of ideal contentment as well. And so the happy mortal is a model of complete perfection which we have ourselves created."

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

1233. Human body gets partial paralysis,during sleep to prevent itself from doing harmful things.

1234. A 2004 study published in the American Sociological Review said that the average number of trusted friends fell by a third in the past 20 years. Instead, in the same duration, the proportion of people with no confidantes had doubled.

1235. Vulnerability is not knowing victory of defeat, it's understanding the necessity of both; it's engaging. It's being all in."

-Brene Brown

1236. Humans are the only mammals that can willingly delay sleep.

1237. Close friends share about 1% of their DNA.

1238. "...the sole purpose of human experience is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being."

-Carl Jung

1239. Humans spend 1/3 of their life sleeping.

1240. Did you know that hanging out in a group of friends can make you look more attractive? This is called the cheerleader effect. You and your friends must just look good together!

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