2011 - 2020

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2011. The brain is much more active at night than during the day. Logically, you would think that all the moving around, complicated calculations and tasks and general interaction we do on a daily basis during our working hours would take a lot more brain power than, say, lying in bed. Turns out, the opposite is true. When you turn off your brain turns on. Scientists don’t yet know why this is but you can thank the hard work of your brain while you sleep for all those pleasant dreams.

2012. Information travels at different speeds within different types of neurons. Not all neurons are the same. There are a few different types within the body and transmission along these different kinds can be as slow as 0.5 meters/sec or as fast as 120 meters/sec.

2013. The brain itself cannot feel pain. While the brain might be the pain center when you cut your finger or burn yourself, the brain itself does not have pain receptors and cannot feel pain.

2014. 80% of the brain is water. Your brain isn’t the firm, gray mass you’ve seen on TV. Living brain tissue is a squishy, pink and jelly-like organ thanks to the loads of blood and high water content of the tissue. So the next time you’re feeling dehydrated get a drink to keep your brain hydrated.

2015. How you move your body can be an indication of your personality. It is suggested that people have a signature way they move and others that move the same way demonstrate similar behaviours.

2016. There are 5 key aspects to personality: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness.

2017. Teachers expect and support more attractive personality students to perform well in academics and sports, leading to less punishment, more attention and better grades proved by research.

2018. When you get older, there are three changes your personality goes through. You become more conscientious and agreeable and are less moody or neurotic. Overall, as you get older, you become a nicer person.

2019. People lie to protect themselves, look good, gain financially or socially & avoiding punishment.

2020. A leader is a figure of authority in a group, who is recognized and respected by all members. This enables the leader to sway group thinking, as the members are not only required to listen to him but also feel obliged to do so because he/she portrays the group’s ideals themselves.

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