541 - 550

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541. 70% People who enjoy old songs because of the memories they've attach to them according to study.

542. People high in openness to experience were more likely to play a music instrument and more likely to rate music as important to them.

543. Music therapy has been used effectively in both adults and children with psychiatric disorder.

544. We can regret less and be grateful for what is good in life.

- Barry Schwartz

545. The difference between misery and happiness depends on what we do with our attention.

- Sharon Salzberg

546. Gratitude goes far beyond saying "thank you." When we are grateful, we affirm that a source of goodness exists in our lives.

- Robert Emmons World's Foremost Researcher on Gratitude

547. Any friendship that was born in the period between 16 and 28 years of age is more likely to be robust and long lasting.

548. Intelligent people tend to have fewer friends than the average person. The smarter the person is, the more selective they become.

549. Fear can feel good, if you're not really in danger. That's why you love horror movies or haunted house adventure.

550. Even though we feel scared, your brain recognizes that you're not in danger & gets a natural high.

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