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451. Those who play video games are much more likely to have lucid dreams.

452. Mental activity also burns calories.

453. Chocolate and shopping can be more addictive than drugs.

454. You are more likely to achieve your goals if you keep them to yourself.

455. People look more attractive when they talk about things they are really interested in.

456. 95% of the time when people say they want to ask a question, you replay in your head all the bad things you've done recently.

457. Lies require more mental effort than the truth. When we tell a lie, we involuntarily wonder if it will fit our common "legend", and we also worry about the impact even the smallest lie will have on our lives, relationships, and authority. Honesty has almost no negative consequences.

458. People with low self-esteem tend to put others down.

459. People who think they are being watched usually behave better: as a rule, the presence of "others" encourages us to do the "right" things in order to gain "social" recognition and approval.

460. Waking up on the wrong side of the bed affects our happiness. A 2011 study found that those who sleep on the left side (if standing at the foot of the bed) are happier than those who sleep on the right.

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