111 - 120

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111. The inclusion of a calorie chart in fast food restaurants leads to consumers choosing less healthy foods.

112. Holding the hands of someone you love can relieve physical pain as well as stress and fear.

113. The lyrics of your favorite song express everything that you fight for or would like to say to others.

114. Listening to high-frequency music makes you feel calm, relaxed and happy.

115. Most people write faster to someone when they like that someone.

116. Eating an orange reduces stress.

117. People look more attractive when they talk about things that really interest them.

118. Having siblings is proven to be an excellent aid in socialization with peers.

119. 55.9% of American adults have attended an alcoholics' anonymous meeting at some point in their lives.

120. No matter how hard you try, you never remember how your dreams begin.

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