31 - 40

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31. Falling in love has a similar neurological effect to high cocaine use.

32. We can't learn much from someone with whom we agree all the time.

33. Opposites do not attract. You are more likely to be drawn to someone who looks and thinks just like you.

34. Lonely people are the ones who give advice about a very good relationship.

35. The placebo effect becomes stronger over time. As medical technology improves, our faith in medicine grows stronger.

36. Are you sad? You can trick your mind by pretending to smile and in the blink of an eye you will smile for real.

37. We seem to ignore those who worship us and pay more attention to those who ignore us.

38. Hiding a thumb behind all fingers is a sign of nervousness and indicates that the person wishes to remain unnoticed in the group.

39. Depression is the result of over-thinking. The mind creates problems that don't even exist.

40. Holding the hands of someone you love can relieve physical pain as well as stress and fear.

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