981 - 990

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981. Crossed legs are one of the most attractive female positions. And if a woman is playing with her shoe,she is trying to draw your attention to her legs. This gesture indicates that a woman is calm and relaxed.

982. People sincerely believe that their negative opinions about others are truthful and have no connection with them and their self-confidence. In fact, the humiliation of others helps them restore their own self-esteem.

983. Ophidiophobia is the fear of snakes. This phobia is quite common and often attributed to evolutionary causes, personal experiences, or cultural influences.

984. At the Handshaking time,If a person takes your wrist with their free hand, they are showing that they can be trusted.This Known as "Glove Handshake".

985. People tend to commit immoral acts or do not fulfill someone's request for help, if no effort is needed and they do not have to refuse a person directly.

986. There are more living organisms in a teaspoonful of soil than there are people alive on Earth.

987. When People Rubbing their both hands together generally means that a person has a positive feeling about something and hands broadcast what the head is thinking. They are hopeful. We do this when we are thinking about some benefits coming in the future.

988. There is enough DNA in an average person's body to stretch from the sun to Pluto and back 17 times.

989. People under the influence of power act as if they had suffered a traumatic brain injury, becoming more impulsive, less risk-aware and less adept at seeing things from other people's point of view.

990. If someone leans on the back of their chair, they show that they are tired of the conversation. Perhaps they feel uncomfortable in the presence of the other person.

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