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291. Men who kiss their loved ones in the morning live 5 years longer.

292. Scientists have found that couples who bring their relationship to the public have stronger feelings for each other.

293. Quite a few people know that in translation from the ancient Greek language, the word "love" means "desire".

294. When in love, the upper part of the brain is filled with dopamine. The same thing happens while people are using cocaine.

295. If there is love in a relationship, then this does not mean that the marriage will be successful. This is influenced by many factors.

296. Very often couples break up because they give the other half qualities that she does not possess.

297. 40% of lovers who have been rejected go into clinical depression.

298. A feeling of euphoria always arises at the first time of falling in love.

299. Four minutes is enough for a person to understand whether it is worth building a relationship with this or that person.

300. A person in love always idealizes the soul mate

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