1771 - 1780

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1771. Opposites don't attract. You are more attracted to someone who looks or thinks like you.

1772. Putting your feet in cold water will eliminate all the negative images you have seen during the day.

1773. If you are afraid to talk to someone (your boss) take a deep breath 3 times and say "just do it".

1774.  A crush is no longer just a crush if you continue to have feelings after 3 months.

1775. If you spend time with happy and positive people, you will become the same.

1776. You lose the motivation to complete your projects if you share them with others.

1777. The music you listen to affects the way you see the world. Listen to good music.

1778. If you convince others that you sleep well, you will really start to do so.

1779. Most people text things they can't say in person.

1780. Intelligent people have few people around not because they don't like to be surrounded but they don't have the temperament to put up with idiots.

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