561 - 570

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561. People would rather change the truth than change their views about people.

562. Cognitive dissonance is when you have two contradictory values, and you change one to match another.

563. This is going to put your mind at ease so that you can relax.

564. Physically, repetition affects the brain as new associations are made between brain cells.

565. Emotional pain is remembered better than actual pain which has a greater influence on your behaviour.

566. If we have a plan B, our plan A is less likely to succeed.

567. If we have a plan C, then out plan B isn't likely to also succeed.

568. If we have a plan D, then out plan C isn't likely to also succeed.

569. The starting and the ending are easier to recall than the middle ones.

570. Anything that your mind says has an identical response from the body’s cells.

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