1251 - 1260

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1251. "People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates."

-Thomas Szasz

1252. Sleep deprivation will kill you more quickly than food deprivation

1253. Friendship is good for your health. Believe it or not, people with larger networks of friends actually live longer!

1254. The calling of the humanities is to make us truly human in the best sense of the word.

-J. Irwin Miller

1255. Sleep deprivation will kill you more quickly than food deprivation.

1256. Friendship is the emotion babies recognize even before they start walking or talking. According to a study conducted at the University of Chicago, even young babies can understand social relationships, especially friendship, before they can walk or talk.

1257. I wanted to connect my guitar to human emotions.

-B. B. King

1258. Sleep experts have discovered a direct link between people's favourite sleeping positions and their personalities.

1259. Sleep is just as important as diet and exercise.

1260. Genuine friendships take more than a post on a network to keep them strong, although no one could argue that those are convenient places for friendships to begin.

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