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"Break any rule and your ass will be red,"


"We will be requiring a new marketing strategy for one of our new products that we will be releasing in a few months." Mr. Hyde handed me over the files. "Here are all the details you'll require for the process. You have a team along with you so this should be pretty easy. Use your creative mind!" he further continued to explain. He stood a short distance from me but defiantely more taller than me. I narrowed my eyes down to the papers he had given me.

After everything that went down on the blood moon, I decided to stay here and continue with my life. Why should I leave anyway? The Alpha wasn't aware of who his mate was, he only knew bits like the color of my wolf whilst I knew everything about him — or things I needed to know. I was panicking for absolutely no reason.

But worse of all, I had touched myself while I was drunk.

I opened my mouth to speak to Mr. Hyde but his phone started ringing. He raised his finger in my direction before picking up the call. I rocked back and forth while waiting for him to finish his call. The office environment was gentle and calm. The people working under me were sweet just as everyone else here.

Mr. Hyde was giving me my first big marketing project. It had been weeks since the blood moon now and nothing was worrying me anymore. I went out for a run a couple of times past week but no wolves chased me — or no Mr. Hyde chased me.

Guess everyone was busy with their lives.

"No, Alpha, I have promised you, you will have the rogue by this weekend." I snapped at Mr. Hyde's direction who was speaking to the Alpha — my mate. Fuck. My heartbeat quickened at the thought of him and suddenly, I felt another heartbeat, in between my legs.

No, Myra.

"Yes, I will have the men prepare for tonight and you will have the rogue in a few days. We are tracing its footsteps." Mr. Hyde continued. He had no idea that the rogue was me — a goddamn female. They didn't even know that.

"Alright. Goodbye,"

Mr. Hyde closed the call after that and turned around. "Sorry for the interruption, that was my boss," Yeah right.

"No problem,"

"You were saying something?" He turned his attention back at me.

"No—nothing, I will get started on the project. Thank you for the chance, Mr. Hyde." I shared a smile with him before walking out of his office.

Stress inched on my skin as I wandered around my room restlessly. The others were tracing me now — to where though? They clearly couldn't track my human scent but I wasn't sure about my wolf scent. Maybe they had something with them. I need to be careful now. I needed to stop running in the woods at evening.

A werewolf required to run at least 3-4 times per week or the shifting could become unbearable. Midnight was the safest time as the others would be asleep.

When the night came by, I stayed home until the clock didn't strike 12, it was then I decided to go for a run. Panic rushed through my veins as I thought about it. It would be better to stay home but I needed to let my wolf out. I was in heat after seeing my mate and if I didn't release my wolf, I'd probably have another cock ramming my insides. It was unbearable. I rolled my eyes at the thought of that and got inside my Jeep—my love.

I kept driving further and further to the north. The mountains stood high but they were quite far from me. I pulled my breaks on my usual spot and parked my car. I usually parked at the edge of the road, beside the bushes and the dirt so no one could see it and since it was a Jeep, I could take it off-road as well.

After parking, I hopped out and changed before shifting into my wolf. My wolf was eager to be claimed, marked but most of all—fucked. She wanted his mark on my body. It was getting difficult to get control of her. Horny slut.

Thick branches snapped beneath me as I moved around the woods slowly. Something felt unusual tonight. Maybe it was simply the fear of being caught or hunted down again. I knew every move of his warriors and now, I worked under Mr. Hyde so I had the chance to get closer to his plans and tactics. He was way far behind me in getting knowledge. As an Alpha, I expected him to get a hold of me earlier but it had been four years and yet he couldn't get his hands on me.

A thick smoke followed me as I ran through the woods. I stand on the same spot where I had met my mate a few weeks ago. A different rush of something exciting goes through my body. I stare at the mountains ahead of me while expecting that he'd come again. I wanted to see him again but at the same time, I was scared. I wanted him to brush his fingers through my fur and murmur all those words my wolf wanted to hear. I wanted his mark on my body, his claim.

I was too lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice a wolf plunging at me. It wasn't the Alpha—it was one of the warriors—the men who had been chasing me. The wolf bit into my arm and threw me to the ground. Another one of them followed up and kept me down. I tried to move but with the pain slashing through my arm, I was unable to do anything.

A loud howl of defeat escaped my lips when four other wolves circled around me.

There were six of them while I was one. They were stronger and bigger in size compared to me. I was bruised and finally, defeated.

Two of the wolves snapped back into their human form. Underneath the darkness, they stood naked and bare in front of me. I was able to recognize one of them—it was Mr. Hyde whilst the other one seemed to be stronger and higher in the pack. He seemed to be leading the wolves but he wasn't the Alpha. Maybe the second one in command but I heard that the Alpha didn't prefer giving positions to anyone.

"Shift," The stronger one commanded while the others kept me down.  When I didn't submit to the leader, he ordered again, "Shift—now! Or they'll be consequences."

"We have the rogue now, Roger, we don't need to harm it." Mr. Hyde stepped ahead and said to the other man named Roger. "We take it alive to the Alpha,"

"Fine. But we need it to shift," Roger said. He snapped his eyes back at me and leaned down. Getting closer, he threatened, "You have five seconds to shift and show us your true form or else we will be doing a lot worse than you can ever think."

I gulped hard at the thought of what these men would do with me. Fury was visible in their eyes. After all, they tried to hunt me down for years. The ache in my arm subsided for a moment and I tried to get up but the other wolf slammed me back down.

There was no escape now.

Regardless of whatever was happening, I didn't submit and I didn't shift. Fear was gnawing my spine as every second passed by.

Before I could process what was happening around, I felt a sharp needle going deep inside my flesh. Another howl came out of me as my body went completely numb. My bones stretched and returned to their normal form, my claws disappeared and I was forcefully shifted back into a human.


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