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"She's claiming to be pregnant with your chid,"

As soon as I heard those words coming out of Marcus' mouth, I grabbed a robe and covered my body before walking out and ending Marcus' life for good.

"Myra," Bane grabbed me away from Marcus before I could snap his neck, "Calm down,"

"Calm down?" I glared at Marcus with blood in my eyes, "Did you even hear what he said?"

"I know, I heard." Bane nodded and then turned around to deal with Marcus, "What is this crap? I haven't slept with a woman in months—what are you even talking about?" He asked.

"The woman told me, my Alpha, I'm not making this up." Marcus quaked with fear.

"What woman? Where is she?"

"She's at the doorway,"

I gave Bane the most toxic smile before following him downstairs to the entrance of the packhouse where I found blondie, rocking back and forth with a clutch wrapped around her hand.

No fucking way.

"Rebecca?" Bane raised his brows. She was the same woman who I had seen with him a few weeks ago. She was all over him that night and all I could do then was watch even though it made my blood boil.

Seeing her again made it worse. I wanted to snap her pretty little blondie locks out of her head for fucking my mate but at the same time, I did let Cedric fuck me so it was equal on that part.

"Hi!" Rebecca said, humbly.

"What are you doing here? And, what was Marcus saying?" Bane asked her.

Right, what was Marcus saying? If this turned out to be a joke, the next funeral will be Marcus' and then Rebecca's for running my afternoon.

"Oh, I recently started feeling nauseous so I took a few pregnancy tests and it turns out I'm pregnant!" She squealed, throwing her hand in the air.

"So? What are you doing here?"

There was a long minute of silence before she responded, "The only man I've been with in a while was you, my Alpha."

"You can't be pregnant by me. I haven't marked you," Bane replied, sounding accurate. Unless. He marked her and he didn't remember when he did it because he was drunk.

Maybe that was the reason why my body was rejecting his mark—because he had already marked someone and that someone was probably Rebecca.

"I know," Rebecca looked over at me and then back at Bane, "I don't know how it happened. Maybe it's a miracle but I'm pregnant with your child,"

I watched my entire life with Bane crumple in front of me. My heart shattered into pieces upon hearing that he had gotten someone pregnant. It wasn't how I expected it all to go.

With a wretched heart, I walked away into my room so I could get ready to grieve about my mate for the rest of my life. I liked Bane and there were moments that I felt more than liking but I couldn't handle this.

It was too much.

When I heard Bane yell my name, I quickened my pace and went to my room, locking it shut so I wouldn't have to see him. Second by second, everything came tumbling down.

Numerous broken sobs thrashed out of my throat as I sat on my very terrible bed and cried out my lungs. Bane was the only hope I ever had and even though it didn't seem like it, he was.

There was someone I could relate too. I saw us together, mated, living a beautiful life.

I snapped out of my crying when I heard the handle of the door being shaken. When it couldn't be opened, a knock landed on the door.

"Myra," Bane said. "Open the door,"

"Fuck off!"

"God. I did not get her pregnant,"

"You're lying," I tried not to cry so he only heard the cruelty in my tone.

"I'm not. Just open the fucking door before I break it," He threatened, punishing the door with a punch.

I stood up, wiped my tears away and then unlocked the door, "Look—" I breathed. I was going to pour everything, all my anger over him but he stopped me.

"Shut up!" He exclaimed before I could even speak, "I did not get her pregnant and I can't—not unless I mark her, and I didn't mark her so she's either lying or she's not pregnant."

"Or maybe you did mark her and you don't remember it," I argued.

"Trust me, I'd know if I had marked her and I didn't so stop acting like a wailing mad woman and fucking believe me." He circled his hand around my wrist and he came closer. I wanted to believe but I couldn't.

What if Rebecca wasn't lying? What if she is pregnant with Bane's child? There were so many things wrong about this. I couldn't be with Bane at all if he had made someone else pregnant. If it was the truth, then he had to mate with her and stay with her as per the werewolf law.

"I don't believe you," I gave him a rather accusatory glare and shook my head, my thoughts spinning in the wild.

"Would you believe a paternity test?"

I swallowed hard, "Yes,"


"It's going to take weeks," I jogged his memory. A paternity test could be done only after four weeks of pregnancy and I was sure that it hadn't been that long since Bane had fucked Rebecca.

He grabbed my arms and jerked me forward, "I don't mind waiting but once it turns out to incorrect—meaning I didn't get that blondie pregnant then I'm going to tie you up, fuck the living hell out of you and then claim you. Watch," Bane said, a clear threat in his tone. My brows stretched up toward my forehead.

He wasn't being serious.

Was he?

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