58 | royal

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After being marked, I escaped in the bathroom to clean up myself as Bane had ruined my clothes. It had been a few minutes and I couldn't find the courage to see him again. Listening to the water hitting the tiles bought me the comfort I was looking for. My heart stopped racing and I leaned against the warm, wet wall of the bathroom, my thoughts still spiraling. What had just happened? Did Bane claimed being in love with me?

My hands slicked across my bare body, feeling the heat of the shower and the bathroom. Gathering my thoughts, I closed my eyes and twisted my hard nipples around my finger. The mark on my neck stood obvious but the reasons behind it were unknown. It wasn't necessary to mark your mate again.

Maybe Bane just wanted to bruise me.

My eyes snapped open and a low gasp escaped my throat as Bane walked inside the bathroom, naked. As soon as he got under the water, I wrapped my hands around his head and puckered out my lips to kiss him.

"You were taking too long," He whispered before curling his hands around my waist and slamming my body against his.

The hot water fed our heat and hunger as we kissed. His lips felt soft, and perfect against mine. Sparks of pleasure whistled through my clit and body as Bane touched my breasts and tugged on my sore nipples.

Our tongues locked together as I wrapped my tiny hand around his cock, pumping it's length and teasing him just as he did. With every stroke, I heard Bane groan with frustration just as I did when he finger-fucked me.

"Don't play with me," He growled, biting my lower lip.

I pulled away and gave him a grin. His eyes were filled with hunger as I bought his cock between my pussy, towards my entrance. It grew in my hold and my insides twitched with desire.

I wanted him.

But, I couldn't.

Two can play a game.

"Sorry," I whispered, sliding my hand away from his cock.

A whimper escaped my throat as he pinned me to the wall and wrapped his hand around my throat in control. "I want to fuck you, Myra." He said, in clear words.

"No," I trailed my finger down his chiseled, olive chest and shook my head. "Haven't you bruised me enough for a day?"

He scoffed against my lips, and agreed. "You little tease," His lips brushed against mine and he continued, "Just one day. Can't wait to fuck you in the ass tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes at the back of my head and replied, "Well, since you have admitted that you love me, I wouldn't mind being fucked in the ass by you."

"I didn't admit," His face hardened.

"Oh, yes, you did." I reminded him.

He backed away, smiling, "I just said I feel for you. Those are two different terms,"

"Nope. It means the same. Ignore it as much as you but one day, you'll admit it."

The steam inside the bathroom vanished away as the water was switched off and I threw a bathe robe over myself before following my denial Bane out of the room. He could ignore all he wanted too but he did love me and it showed.

And, it made my heart bloom with happiness.

"Admit it," I said, wrapping my hair and watching Bane get dressed up.


And here I thought I was the stubborn one.

After dressing up, Bane gestured at the seating area by the window. He poured me a glass of wine before plopping down beside me.

"What do you want to know about?"

I stopped siping the wine and raised my brows. "What?"

"Well, you might as well ask me if you want to know something about me rather than going to Marcus or someone else." He replied without any tension over his face. What gave it away? I clearly remembered when I asked him about his past, he brushed me away and changed the topic.

"Oh," I trailed off, "I want to know about the darkness,"

"How do you know about that in the first place?" He questioned, flipping it on me.

I swallowed hard, my eyes looking around the room to find a lie. "I would lie but I don't want to be punished again. Hugh—he wrote a letter and asked my brother to give it to me when we were at Ostbridge. In that letter, he wrote about the darkness and told me you knew everything about it." The words came out of me truthfully.

Bane showed a hint of anger before releasing a relaxed breath, "Since he's dead, it shouldn't matter." He whispered, the corner of his mouth turning into a smile as he shrugged it off.


"The darkness—it's not the darkness—that's just the name this generation of wolves call the Fenris Brother's."

"What?" I didn't understand a single word that came out of his mouth. Neither I ever heard about the Fenris Brother's.

"Long story, short—the Fenris Brother's is a group of werewolves. They were created by the moon goddess back when she thought she had made a mistake by creating werewolves." Bane replied.

"So, how does that relate to the Sosipatros Brother's and are they the one who are killing Alpha's?" I inquired, biting the skin off my lips.

We were taught very young about the Sosipatros Brothers and how the moon goddess hated her own creatures and how she wished to turn everything around. It felt like a myth but it was a fact, she hated her own creation.

"The Sosipatros Brother's were the primal werewolves to exist and they were also known as the royals. We both know that werewolves came into existence around 1539, shortly after that, one of the werewolves betrayed the moon goddess." I nodded my head and he continued. "After that, our moon goddess created the Fenris Brothers, they were more obedient to her compared to us and she liked them more."

"What are they? I had never heard about them," As werewolves, we were thought about our kind just as humans were taught about themselves. Our moon goddess created a breed of brothers that were known as Sosipatros Brothers and if Bane was right, there was another set of brothers that she had created—the Fenris Brothers.

"It was a myth," Bane said, narrowing his eyes down to his wine. "The Fenris Brothers were a myth for a very long time and everyone assumed that. We didn't bother revealing it to the next generations. And, they are old creatures, they don't shift, they don't have emotions, they only intend to kill Alpha's as our moon goddess was betrayed by one of them and they look like half beasts and half wolves."

I stopped him for a second and processed everything he had told me.

Something was wrong.


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