45 | vendetta

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Cedric's death never meant to happen. He wasn't supposed to die, not because of me. No one was supposed to die except for Hugh. My wolf howled in an unbearable, hot pain as tears burst out of my eyes, raw from inside. I refused to cry for a man—ever, but I couldn't hold back.

I had known Cedric for only weeks, maybe months and all he had done was care about me even though I felt nothing for him. He was a good friend.

My claws dug deep in my palms as I sobbed, warm tears going down my cheeks. I sat beside his body that turned cold in a span of seconds. Once the sorrow passed away, the anger dived in, taking over my body.

A man's shadow hovered over me, when I looked up it was Bane, standing above, remorse filling as his eyes as he looked down at Cedric.

"Release your beast. Kill Hugh." I whispered, my eyes scurrying around the area to find the cruel wolf that had killed Cedric. Hugh wouldn't live. I'd kill him with my bare hands if I had the chance.

A hand came down my elbow and dragged me up from the ground, "I can sense rogues, a lot of them. You need to go," Bane said, concern in his voice.

"No, I'm staying. I'm not going to watch someone else die because of me. This is my fight against Hugh, not yours," I jerked my self away from Bane and snapped at him. I wasn't a scared little girl—I never was.

I killed wolves. I was born for that. And, I was going to avenge Cedric's death.

I listened close to the steps of Hugh approaching me, I turned around and faced his wolf, snarling at my direction, getting ready to kill me as well. He lunged at me, his claws dipping inside my shoulder as I flattened him to the ground with my hands. I growled at him and he growled back, pushing me away and getting on his feet to kill and destroy everything around him.

Hugh was strong, stronger than me but he was old, aging like a bastard.

He tried to attack me again and I was ready to shift but Bane pulled me away, taking me behind the trees where no one could see us.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You need to get out of here," He said, tightening his hold on my shoulders as his face hardened.

"I am not going too,"

"Yes, you are."

"You don't tell me what to do," I said in a huff.

"Yes, I will." Typical fucking Alpha's.


He grunted in my response, "Fine. Go deal with the rogues since you want act all superior. I will handle Hugh and the rest of his pack,"

"Why would I deal with rogues?" I wanted to kill Hugh, not the rogues. There would be no fucking fun in that.

"Because I said so,"

"Fine, I will handle the rogues." I gave him a smile before walking away from him and into the direction where I smelled rogues.

God. There were too many of them and I had never smelled them before in Ampleforth. Most of them were hiding in the shadows, waiting for Hugh to call them out. He probably got them from his own town.

"Come on, wolfies, show yourself so I can kill you." I taunted, walking, keeping my senses and actions open to anything that was going to be thrown at my direction. I was going crazy over the fact Cedric was dead and I had to remove my anger somehow.

By killing rogues.

A hideous, shaky howl split through the silence and I froze in fear. It belonged to Bane and he was calling his wolves which only meant one thing—either he had killed Hugh or had him captured or he was at the verge of dying.

I wanted to go back and I would've if a rogue hadn't appeared in front of me. It was a small wolf, fairly brown, sharp eyes and claws. He stood in front of me with pride as if he was going to kill me.

I scoffed, stepping towards him, "You and I both know that you're going to die so how about we make a little deal and I promise that I won't kill you,"

The rogue didn't even bother listening to my deal, instead, he attacked me the second he got a chance. I put him down to the ground quickly and wounded the left side of his body. He shifted into a human immediately, groaning and screaming in pain.

"There we go, I told you, you were going to die," I whispered, getting on him and keeping him down for a bit longer.

I looked around everywhere, making sure another rogue wasn't lingering and once confirmed, I bit into my hand and drew my blood out.

"Please, I'm sorry, don't kill me." He pleaded, his body shaking. Rogues were weak and it showed.

"I'm not going to kill you," I pushed down my palm in his mouth and forced him to drink my blood, "You're going to stay alive for a very long time if this works out."

The man struggled and coughed but my blood went down his throat and only then, I got up, freeing him. He quickly hauled and disappeared into the shadows the moment I set him free.

I knew one thing—he was going to come back, not immediately but in a while, when he'd learn that I was his Alpha.

I returned to the clearing where Bane was. It was surprising to learn that I could longer sense Hugh or any of his wolves around the area.

"Please tell me that you killed him," I said, looking around. My parents were gone as well. There were only two wolves dead and I remembered Hugh bought ten of them.

Bane reached out, disappointment in his eyes as he said, "Nope, that blind fuck ran away but I got everyone else." He managed a weak smile but he wasn't happy about it.

We both wanted to kill Hugh.

"My parents?" I inquired, refraining myself from feeling anything from them. I simply wanted to know what had happened while I was dealing with rogues.

"Marcus is taking them to the cellar along with a few other wolves, I'll be keeping them there for a while until I learn everything about Hugh's pack," He replied, leaping towards the exit of the forest.

I stood back for a while, heard the rapid thumping of my heart before I ran behind him, "They are my parents, Bane. What do you even want to know? I know everything about Hugh,"

"I won't be harming them,"

"And, do you think I believe that?"

He stopped, turned around and faced me, "Believe what you have too,"

"Why are you pissed at me?"

His nostrils flared as he drew in a deep breath, "I'm not pissed," He whispered, still pissed. "Maybe if you had listened to me and stayed at the packhouse then that fuck would've been dead but no..." He dragged the last few words and grabbed my face in his hands, "You always want to act primal against me,"

"I wasn't acting primal," I declared, "Maybe if you didn't send me take care of the fucking rogues I would've killed Hugh by now because I know how too and all you know is blabber."  

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