53 | solitaria

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The snow was thick on the roads but Bane managed to drive through it. The parks were empty, and there were no children playing or giggling. There was a supermarket open and that's where Bane stopped his car and walked out, his features hardening with cold. I stepped out along with him, worry drenching my thoughts as I moved through the snow and entered the supermarket.

"It's closed!" The man yelled, slamming his counter shut and grabbing his bags.

I recognized him, he belonged to Blood Swamp, Mr. Andrew, it was his supermarket. "Mr. Andrew?" I asked, approaching him.

He raised his head and looked at me, his eyes burning into mine, "Myra," he breathed, remembering me.

"Yeah, it's me. Do you know where my parents are or Roman?" I asked him.

"They are in the mayor's office," Mr. Andrew peeked through my shoulder, his fear rose when he found that Bane was standing behind me. "Along with the others," He continued.

"Thank you," I gave him a smile and turned around to leave with Bane but his voice stopped me.

"You're an Alpha," Mr. Andrew whispered.

I froze, gathering my thoughts and then glanced back at him, "Yes, yes, I am."

Mr. Andrew was surprised but he didn't say anything. I walked out of the supermarket and got back inside the warm car where the heater was switched on. I took in a few deep breaths to control my running thoughts.

Hugh was dead. I reminded myself. There was no harm in Ostbridge, no one hated me apart from Hugh.

"The mayor's office is at the town center, keep driving and I will tell you when to turn." I told Bane as he started his engine and drove away from the supermarket.

The other wolves followed us from behind and went in the same direction as we did. I directed Bane to the town center and where the mayor's office was. Hugh was the mayor of Ostbridge and also the Alpha of the blood swamp pack. Humans resided in the town but they were nowhere to be seen.

"Here," I said, pointing at the small building.

Bane stopped the car and we hopped out. Before I could walk inside, he tugged on my arm.

"Wait, it still might be dangerous." He warned and we waited for the rest of the cars to stop by.

Marcus along with the other's approached us and Bane said, "Stay here. If you see anyone as a threat, kill them. If anyone attacks, kill them. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Alpha." Marcus nodded.

My chest went tight and I looked inside the building were my family was supposed to be. Were they fine? Were they hurt? After Bane spoke to his wolves, he took me inside the building and went to the mayor's office which was at second floor.

"Don't think that everyone here if going to be your friend. We both are Alphas, a threat to every single rogue so be open to any attacks." Bane whispered in my ears as we took the stairs as the elevators were not working.

"It's fine, I know most of them. You should me more concerned about yourself since you did attack their pack," I said to him.

Bane stopped, his brows scrunched, "When?"

"Six years ago?" I hinted and he shook his head, "I was at the training then so I didn't know much but I learned through Hugh that your pack attacked ours."

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