51 | assassinata

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I was ruined. The birds chirped on the balcony, their beaks hitting the glass after every second. My eyes flickered open and I groaned before moving to the other side only to get struck by Bane who was dead asleep.

The sun rays escaped from the curtains and casted over his black hair. My eyes moved down to get a view of his strong, bare arms and his toned chest that rose a fire inside me. He laid over his back, his eyes still closed as his soft snores filled up the room.

God. I could never get enough of him.

My hands moved towards his mark over my neck and I found it completely healed, there was no pain and the heat between my legs was finally gone. After weeks of being in pain, it was all over. I was claimed. The reason why Bane couldn't claim me early was simple—Alpha's couldn't mark rogues and I needed to change myself by turning either into a pack member or an Alpha.

Bane was probably the best and the worse thing that ever happened to me.

I broke his sleep by getting over him and kissing him. His thick and long lashes flickered and he looked at me, still in sleep. "That's a view I'd like to get," He said, his hands moving underneath the sheets where we were both naked.

"You're probably going to see me for the rest of your life," I replied, my hair falling over his chest. His hands braced my face and he slid forward to kiss me again.

"I wouldn't mind,"

"I thought you hated rogues," I said, teasing him. "Weren't you like 'I wouldn't mind if anyone was my mate except for you'?"

"That was before I knew you were my mate," His voice raspy as he spoke, giving in to the argument. Bane was so stubborn when I first came across him but he was obsessed about having a mate.

A quality Alpha's barely had.

An alarm drew me out of my thoughts and I looked around for my phone. I usually kept an alarm for taking birth control every morning and now I needed more, after all, Bane gave me his knot. I wasn't ready for a child yet.

"Where is my phone?" I asked, getting off the bed and looking for it everywhere. It continued to rang for several seconds.

"Don't know. Find it," He shrugged, turning to the other side of the bed.

I looked through the drawers and found it inside one of the night stands, just beside Bane's phone. Just as I picked up my phone and stopped the alarm, Bane's phone started ringing—it wasn't an alarm, it was a call.

"I think Marcus is calling you," I said, handing over him his phone. A few growls came out of him before he got off the bed and picked up the call.

While he spoke, I looked at my own phone, noticing the hundred messages I had received from Roman—my brother. The messages were concerning.

Help. Something has gone terribly wrong at Ostbridge.

I glanced over at Bane and found him worried as he continued to speak with Marcus. "I'll be there in a few. Send out wolves to the borders of the city and keep everything on check. We will have a meeting when I return,"

After he closed the call, I asked, "What is it about?"

"The information just got to me, Hugh was killed last night and his entire town was wrecked by someone." Bane explained, confusion filling his brown eyes.

A low gasp escaped my throat and I looked back down at my phone. Roman left all those messages because something happened to the Blood Swamp pack. They were in danger, my parents were in danger while I was sleeping with my mate and enjoying my night.

"I don't understand," I said, shaking my head. "Who killed him? We both were together and from what I know, he didn't have any other enemies."

Bane shrugged, "I don't know but get ready, we are leaving. Whoever killed Hugh is going to come for us as well. We need to return back to the packhouse immediately,"

I agreed and went to the washroom. I took a warm shower as fast as I could and cleaned up myself before wearing one of Bane's shirts. Numerous thoughts and assumptions went through my head and I imagined the worse. Someone killed Hugh. The silence from him over the week must've meant something. Hugh was terrified of someone which meant there was a wolf that was stronger than him and Bane.

Someone dangerous.

Just as we were about to leave, Bane spun me around and wrapped his arms around my waist, the corner of his lips tugged into a smile and he kissed my cheeks.

"I just want to let you know that yesterday night was one of the best nights of my life and that as my mate, I will keep you protected and safe." He said, squeezing my ass. "And, I know we are very far from even being friends but just so you know, you're mine." Caught by surprise, I felt his mouth against mine just as he finished talking, his tongue slipped inside, tangling with my own. The world in front of me faded and all my worries walked away as desire caught up in my throat.

I kissed him back but not after long, he pulled away, reminding me that we had to leave.

"Can we come here again?" I asked, going down the elevator. "I mean, the packhouse is nice but there is a lot of disturbance there and Marcus won't stop clinging onto you."

If Bane hadn't taken away my phone or bought me here, I wouldn't have been marked, instead, I'd be worrying about my parents and my brother that were now rogues. When an Alpha dies, all the pack members turn into rogues until a new Alpha is appointed and from all the messages I received, I could assume that everyone was in deep shit.

"Sure," Bane replied, scrambling out of the elevator.

I followed him outside of the residential hotel and we got inside the car before driving back to the packhouse that was a little far. While Bane drove, I replied back to Roman's messages and told him that I will be contacting him soon.

"What do you think would've happened?" I asked Bane.

"Don't know—we are going to find about it. Killing an Alpha isn't easy and from what Marcus had told me, the blood swamp pack had been completely ruined so it either has to be hunter or someone worse." He explained, eyes still fixed on the road. He occasionally glanced at me, making sure I was all right as my family belonged to that pack.

Who could be possibly worse than Hugh and Bane? These two were the most reckless, arrogant, violent and savage Alpha's that I had ever come across. Who could be worse than them?

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