52 | ostbridge

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"We received a call from the nearby pack, informing us that there was trouble in Ostbridge." Marcus said, flattening down the map over the long table.

Ostbridge was the old town I lived in for most of my life, it was a few hours away from the city and it was under the rule of Hugh—until he died. Hearing the name again bought some bad memories but Hugh was dead and I felt nothing for him. He deserved to die but I wanted to be the one to kill him, not someone else.

"And, when did this all happen?" Bane asked him.

"We started receiving calls and notifications around eight last night. A few hours later, the news of their Alpha, Hugh, dead spread across the city and rumors began to rise among the wolves." Marcus continued further, fear in his eyes as he spoke.

"What kind of rumors?"

There were a lot of wolves under Bane, of course rumors had to be spread.

"That there is a beast—someone or the other taking down packs." He replied.

Bane raised a brow, "What do you mean?"

Marcus lifted his finger over one of the packs that were nearby, "This packs Alpha, Dean, was killed two months ago. Before that, there was another pack destroyed in Inard at early October. At every full moon, an Alpha is killed by someone, leaving no trail, just a bunch of wolves that no longer belong to a pack."

"But there was no Alpha killed on December," I blurted out. It was January now, the full moon was just last night when Hugh was murdered.

"There was one Alpha killed," Marcus glanced at me and said, "You killed him,"


"Yes. Whoever is out there is killing Alpha's and you did their dirty work last month," He clarified.

The air turned cooler and I sat back, heaving in a deep breath. Something was wrong. Someone was out there to get all the Alpha's.

"Is it a rogue?" Bane asked.

Marcus shook his head, "A rogue cannot be that strong to kill an Alpha, unless, he was trained to do it but we aren't going there. It's not possible. Why would a rogue kill Alpha's? What would it purpose be?"

Hugh wanted me to kill Alpha's so he strengthen himself, I doubted anyone had a mindset like that—it was vicious. Killing innocent wolves and destroying packs was the worst thing anyone could do. Packs protected wolves, maintained balance among the country and ensured safety.

I chewed the insides of my cheek and got lost in my thoughts while Bane spoke to Marcus. There was a probability that Hugh trained someone else to kill Alpha's. But why would that someone kill Hugh?

"We will be going to Ostbridge then," Bane announced and I snapped out of my thoughts.


"We can learn through the wolves who this mysterious creature or wolf is. We have to go," He replied, nodding his head. "Get a few warriors, we will leave as soon as possible."

"Right, I will get on it." Marcus stood back up and walked out of the room, leaving me and Bane alone to ourselves.

"You don't need to go," Bane glanced at me and said.

My shoulders stiffened and I shook my head, "I have to see my family," A line formed between my brows as I thought about them. What if they were hurt? What if something happened with Roman or my parents? I needed to go there.

"Do you know who it might be?" He asked, getting up and placing his hands on either side of the map. He studied it as hard as he could. There were a lot of red circles at those towns and cities were Alpha's were killed.

"I don't know who'd kill Alpha's," I said, looking down.

"There is a pattern, every full moon a pack gets destroyed, an Alpha gets killed, increasing the number of rogues." He whispered to himself and then raised his head to look at me. "Have you spoken to your brother?"

I swallowed hard, "He hasn't responded back,"

"Let me know when he does,"

Worry filled my mind up and I began chewing my bottom lip. Bane noticed my actions and rolled away the map before coming to me.

He held my face in his hands and said, "All I want to do right now is just take you to my bed and fuck you until you stop biting your lips—so stop,"

I let out a small laughter, and placed my hand over his chest, "Maybe after we are done dealing with this mess," I said, my stomach clenching and unclenching at the thought of being taken again and again. I could never get enough of Bane. He was like drug that I was addicted too.

He wrapped a hand around my throat and tugged me closer, his lips teasing mine as he whispered, "Or maybe we could forget everything and fuck."

A smile brightened up my face, turning me red, "No, I have to be concerned about my family. But Hugh's death does calls for celebration."

I wasn't afraid of anything anymore. My worse fear was dead. Hugh just died, and I didn't even have to do anything. Death came by and just took him.

My heart was pounding in my ears as we drove to Ostbridge, Bane took the wheel, allowing me to rest. I leaned back in my seat, wondering what was happening back at my old town. Roman hadn't called me back yet and it made me worried. Was he all right? Were my parents fine? Hushing those thoughts was getting impossible, I glanced out of the window and tried to enjoy the nature passing by. We were on our way to the mountains and then there was a path that would lead us to Ostbridge where the Blood Swamp pack was.

"Let me know if you're hungry," Bane asked, looking at me. "We will stop by. The distance is long and we will reach there by sunset,"

"I'm fine," I replied, sighing. I had breakfast when I arrived at the packhouse and since then, we had been on road, followed by a few other wolves than belonged to Bane's pack.

I snapped back to reality when we crossed a highway, leading up to the mountains. "You'll have to take the other exit. These roads are closed," I said to Bane. He shifted the lane and went to the other exit.

"Have you been here?"

I spilled the truth, "My brother lived at the mountains—when I ran away from you, he took me in without realizing I was his sister and patched me up."

"Shouldn't have ran away," He joked.

I threw a fist at his shoulder, "You were evil then,"

"So? Am I not now?" He asked, raising a brow. Well. He was but maybe I was falling for his evilness, his personality.

"Maybe, maybe not."

After hours of driving, we finally reached the road that had the board of Ostbridge. The absence of cars and the silence made me quiver. Bane notified the other wolves to keep their eyes open just incase of any danger. We went in slow and I looked everywhere, memories of my childhood rushing back. My father had a small house nearby a bakery and at that time, the scent of that bakery would always be all over the town.

This time, it wasn't there.

As the car moved further, I noticed that Ostbridge had turned into a ghost town. Humans were nowhere to be seen. The buildings were emptied, the shops were closed, there were barely any cars on the streets and even the fountain at the town square was closed.

Something went terribly wrong here.

"Rogues—they all are rogues," I whispered, my lips quivering.

"Their Alpha was murdered," Bane replied.

It was a horror scene and I couldn't get my mind off it. It was horrible. Ostbridge was ruined.

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