37 | segreti

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Thank you for 2 million reads, will add in another surprise chapter today! And, yes, all the titles are in Italian, I have a thing for that language ;)


After the revelation of secrets, Roman kept quiet and we said our goodbyes before he left the packhouse. He promised me that he wouldn't tell anyone at all about me—especially Hugh—the last person I wanted to know that I was alive and doing well in the city.

Just as Roman walked out, Bane appeared behind me and I gasped out of fright. He grabbed my arm and pushed me inside a room.

"So that's your secret, huh? Blood Swamp Pack?" He asked, his fingers digging into my flesh.

He heard everything.

"Mind your own business,"

"You're my business. And, I want to know more." He stated. I couldn't make any converstation with him especially after he had fucked me mercilessly for two hours. What was he expecting?

"I want to rest,"

"You can rest all you want to once I know everything about you..." His hands moved to my face and he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "...after all, you're my mate and I deserve to know everything."

"I will tell you everything. I need some time to gather my thoughts. Please," I spoke in a soft tone, not wanting to argue with him after I just finished yelling at Roman. My throat was aching with all that screaming and my limbs were sore, I really needed to rest.

"Fine," He pulled me out of the room and took me back to the room that I was given when I first came here to the packhouse. Nothing had been touched, all my things were in place like Bane expected me to return back.

"What about Cindy?" I stopped him and asked.

"She's fine. I will send her home once she's done playing around with my wolves," Bane replied, standing in front of the doorway.

I could still hear her giggles and laughter that echoed across the house. She was really having a fun time here but she needed to go away immediately.

"I want her gone and you're not going to touch her again," I made myself clear to him.

"I don't need to touch anyone when I have you," he winked before pushing me inside the bedroom and closing the door behind. "Now, get on bed."

"Let me clean up, your saliva is still on my body,"

Bane smirked like a coward and released me from his wrath. I took my chance and ran inside the washroom before he could join me. Once locked, I let out the breath I had been holding back. He knew. Fuck. I was thankful for that he was my mate or else he would have given me up to Hugh without a breath.

I hoped into the warm shower and rinsed the dirt off my body—including Bane's sperm that was all over me. There were bruises, marks, and imprints on my body, wherever he had touched me. He was cruel while fucking me but apart from that, he was acting nice. It surprised me greatly.

I stepped out of the shower naked and bare without remembering that Bane was still there.

"Fuck," I gasped, grabbing the towel from the chair and folding it around my body.

"It isn't like I haven't seen any of it," He grinned, his eyes traveling up and down my body like it was a fresh piece of meat.


"Didn't sound like that when you were moaning and screaming under me,"

I had nothing to say to him so I kept quiet and dressed up, showing him a little bit of my skin. I smelled his manliness all around the room, attacking me to get undressed and on the bed. It was going to happen more now since I had let him fuck me—my wolf wouldn't calm down until I beared his monstrous mark over my body.

After getting dressed, I waited for Bane to leave but he didn't. I laid down on the soft, comfortable bed and pulled the thick blanket over my quivering body.

Just as I closed my eyes, I heard Bane shift around the room and grabbing something. My eyes snapped open and I looked at him tying my left leg to the best post.

"Really?" I didn't even bother with struggling.

"Can let my mate runaway, now can I?" He lifted his head and asked, tightening the knot.

"I won't run,"

"We both know that all you can do it run," He stood up from the ground and came towards me, "So, go to sleep and we will talk whenever you wakeup."

"Ugh," I groaned, falling back on the bed while my leg was still tied to the bed. I didn't even want to runaway—well, I did but not anymore. There was danger outside and being around Bane kept me safe even though it didn't seem like it.

"Goodnight," He waved his hand, and grabbed the door knob. "Sweet, sweet dreams—of me marking you,"

"Fuck off. Never ever,"

"You'll be begging for it and when you are, you know where to find me," he flirted, believing that I would coming running to his arms and be like 'please mark me'. None of that was ever going to happen.

"In your dreams,"

"You're are the one dreaming,"


I woke up from a bad dream, whimpering and sweating. It was one of those days when I was forced into a cruel training by Hugh, flashes of my past hadn't stopped appearing ever since I met with Roman and saw his face. Hugh made me a kill wolves so I could maintain my strength, he forced me to fights against members of his own pack and he only let me leave if I won, otherwise, I had to be there—whether it was for a few hours, days or months, I couldn't leave.

I turned to the other side quietly, and just beneath the darkness I found Bane, next to me, sitting on a chair but to my surprise he was sleeping. It made me question his sanity. Was he here the entire time I was asleep? Was he watching me?

I stayed calm and didn't bother him, instead, I admired him. Few buttons of his shirt were opened, freeing his entire upper perfection, his hands were folded across his chest and he had large, muscular arms that were toned. He had a small winged dragon tattooed on his chest that was barely visible. He wasn't a heavy sleeper and I could assume that as he was barely snoring, just breathing.

God. He looked perfect. He looked like a God in disguise and I preferred the dead version of him, at least he was quiet and not hammering me to the wall after every second.

The bed creaked and bounced underneath me as I stood up to see the ropes digging into my flesh. I could undo them and run out of here but all I wanted to do was go to the washroom. Carefully, I reached out for a knot but before I could, I heard Bane shift.

"Running away?" He asked, flashing behind me.

"No. I just wanted to go to the washroom,"

He pulled my wrist away and said, "All you have to do is just ask,"

"Maybe I would've asked if you weren't watching me sleep the entire time,"

"I wasn't doing that," he argued, undoing the ropes and releasing me, "I was just making sure that you won't runaway,"

"Yes, that means stalking. I'm not yours," I rolled my eyes and stood up. He hovered over me and twirled me around, letting my own hair whip across my face.

"Yes, you're mine."

"Keep dreaming,"

"You're mine, Myra." He grabbed my face and forced me to look at him as his tone turned rough, "Are we clear on that?"


"Play hard and you'll get hurt,"

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