Chapter 40

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After scavenging through the room, we find absolutely nothing except for a locked box, about as large as someones head.

Taehyung shakes it, rattling of metal resonates from it but there's seemingly no weakpoint in it's structure, rather than trying to pry it open he casually throws it over to Jimin.

Jimin in turn places the box on the floor, grabbing a stray umbrella from the table. Holding it with both hands, he lifts the ulbrella above his head before slamming it down with full force onto the box.

I jump back as the sound of wood cracking fills the air. Taehyung and Namjoon are unfazed, eagerly trying to take a look.

This only further backs up my theory that they are all crazy strong. Just smashing wood with an umbrella and brute strength, how normal.

"I find the uhm.." Jimins eyes narrow, seemingly unable to find the word he's looking for. Giving up he holds out a set of keys, jingling it in the air, a few wooden chips falling from it.

"Jal-haesso," Taehyung says, jogging up to Jimin, taking the ring of keys.
(Well done)

"How...?" I blurt out.

"I did kendo," Jimin dramatically brushes his hair back, before holding up 8 fingers my way "this many years,"

Namjoon steps between us, breaking Jimins 'hero' moment, tapping on his wristwatch as he did "Okay, we should head back, time is ticking,"

"Oh wait, Namjoon I'm going to take a small detour I need to get some stuff from the changing rooms,"

He nods "need us to follow or you good with just Taehyung?"

"What makes you think I can't go on my own?"

"Nothing, sure go on your own like every horror movie character that's first to get killed. Be my guest," Namjoon sucks on his teeth, gesturing for the door.

Namjoon has chosen 'passive aggressiveness'. Passive aggressiveness is highly effective.

"Alright, just Taehyung and I are fine, it's only a short walk, we'll catch up to you in no time,"

"Wise choice." He nods in approval like a wise old sage before going over to speak to Taehyung.


Perhaps this isn't the wisest choice, with the cruise basically topsy-turvy, the corridor in front of the changing rooms are eerily silent, alternating lights above shut off. Yep, straight out of a horror movie indeed.

"Scared?" Taehyung whispers right into my ear again.

Flinching, I take a small step away, nearly hitting his face from being startled. Rather than showing any form of remorse or guilt he only cheekily smiles back, hands shoved in his pockets, entire demeanour relaxed.

"No. You?" I try calming my heart, and a rising nauseating feeling as well.

He straightens up, casually walking into the dimmer section of the hallway with a small smirk plastered on. I narrow my eyes on him, falling in step beside him, oh he knows I'm terrified, what a jokester-

"Yes, so please... hold me," a small innocent smile replaces the prior smirk, his hand reaching out to me. His eyes with a immeasurable amount of softness look between me and his hand.

" you're scared," I slip my hand into the embrace of his, briefly watching his smile widen before focusing onto the door ahead of me, that of the female changing rooms.

With a slight push the door effortlessly swings open, a faint foul and must smell lingers in the air. His nose wrinkles up as well as we venture further in. My guess is they never took down the body next door.

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