Chapter 28

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Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

I return to that one and only chair I've been sitting and sleeping on,  Lorraine and Noah left after she asked me to be on the case, Jimin and Taehyung although undeniably curious said nothing.

Namjoon doesn't want harm to go their way, he's going to serve my head on a silver platter knowing I'm possibly part of an actual investigation.

But isn't it strange, she's the lead woman of the investigation yet the killer hasn't come for her fact it's a little odd that the killer hasn't come for me either ...he's planning something, isn't he?

Staff came by with food and went, the medical staff came and went too, I don't know how long had passed but eventually Yoongi emerged from the room and Jimin stood up, pulling the curtains shut.

The two of them nodding at one another before walking out the door together, neither saying a word to me. Hitting the lights off, leaving only the soft orange glow from the bedside lamp  on their way out.

Peering into the room Yoongi came from I find the kiss assailant bundled up in blankets, deep asleep.

A large hand loosely took hold of my wrist pulling my hand away from my mouth, I'd been chewing on my nail and I'd just realised.

"Noijy," Taehyung rasped out, this being one of the seldom words he's said since the whole incident. His hand lingers on my wrist before slowly letting go.

My eyes rake over his exhausted form, he's done almost nothing but rest yet he isn't his usual energetic-self.

Is this... my fault too? For sticking around him? Lorraine did say I seem to have gained the killers interests? Jin ...did he go missing because of me too? Liam? Hannah!?

This time a hand gently cups my cheek, directing my face to look at him. He's sitting upright, eyes of his own glistening, his thumb tenderly stroking my cheek. 


A low hum resonates from him. My fingers gingerly trace the outline of the white bandage along his neck.

"I'm sorry." My voice cracks and so does his exterior, finally the tears that made his eyes glisten spill over "it was scary right? I'm sorry, I didn't walk with you,"

He understands, more and more tears spilling over, his mouth trying to speak but instead only a strained sob comes out. He held it in all this while around the others, he didn't want them to worry did he?

He leans forward, resting his forehead on mine, quiet sobs escaping his lips, his eyes pressed shut tightly and I let him.

"I'm sorry," I whispered out, I can't believe part of me... at one point... wished the rebel brought back Liam instead.

His sobbing muted itself, breathing steady enough for a few words to tumble out his lips "It okay,"

"It's not okay," my voice came out as a soft plea, tears pricked my eyes, at this point I had no clue why I felt like crying too. I'm scared, I'm jealous, I'm guilty, multiple emotions wracked through every cell in me, drowning me, but in this moment I knew I was the one that had to be there for him, so I held it back "tell me, talk to me, if you want,"

Silence hung in the air, his sniffling being the only thing accompanying it. With foreheads pressed together, his hold on my cheek now falling onto my lap, hesitantly taking hold of both my hands.

"Dark," his voice came out delicate, paper-thin, anything could shatter it "it dark, put mask on me, hi-hit face, people come from roof, put mask on me," at that he stopped talking, squeezing my hands instead, his forehead pulling away, far enough for me to clearly see his broken state, yet near enough for me to still pick up on all the smaller details.

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