Chapter 25

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Your POV:

"Jung-" no he's not too comfortable with me.

Taehyung groans slightly, his fingers slipping through the metal grates, reaching out for us.

Glancing at Noah I notice a silver pen in his front pocket, that won't work. I grab hold of Noah's wrist instead, unlatching his watch "I'm borrowing this, carry me now!"

Noah, although in shock complies, holding me by the waist and lifting me up from behind.

Using the metal tip of his watch I struggled to loosen the screws, the one in the hallways had been secured much more tightly than in the room, at least the ceilings were a little lower.

"(Y/n)," Taehyung lightly groaned, pain interlacing with his fragile voice. His fingertips lightly brushing against my palm.

"(Y/n)," this time it's Jungkook, his voice solidified, eyes set ablaze, pure rage radiated off him, with his biceps strained as he held out a hand to me.

He looks at the watch then his hands. Not wanting to push him over edge I handed the watch over with zero questions.

With the watch in one hand he jumped up, free hand successfully grabbing hold of the metal grates another using the watch to skillfully get the screw out.

Noah lowers me, both of us wearing matching expressions of shock. The scene before us is exactly like some ridiculously unreasonable action scene in a movie, I couldn't believe it was happening right before me.

Within seconds Jungkook got two screws out, the grate now loosely hanging open, the unsteadiness of the grate didn't even deter him in the slightest. Finally both the grate and Jungkook fell, him landing perfectly on his two feet, while I scrambled to move the grate away, that being the only thing I could do.

Taehyungs legs popped out first, he could move by himself, that's good.

"I'll go get the medical staff," Noah said in a hurry before dashing off.

Jungkook rose to his feet, helping Taehyung get out of there. Taehyungs feet touched the ground but they weren't stable, Jungkook and I both rushed to either side of him, helping him stand.

Taehyungs cheek, swollen and red, his left footing seemed a little off, but the worst of it all would be the stream of red leaking from the corner of his jaw to the base of his collarbone, the cut itself like a strand of hair, long and thin but the amount of blood that seeped out, enough to soak the top of his white shirt red.

Jungkook didn't think twice about taking off his own shirt and pressing it against Taehyungs wound, to halt the bleeding.

We travelled at a snails pace back to their room, him hissing with each movement.

The number of people in the hallway had dwindled down, remaining few shooting us worried looks but no one bothering to help.

Jungkook got him onto the bed, tears rolling out of his eyes as he cradled his friends head.

Taehyung looked too out of it to do anything else but lay there.

I rushed over to the other doors in the room, hoping it's a bathroom. My mind is all over the place, I forced my hands to move, grabbing two clean towels, wetting one with water, wringing it and hurrying back to Taehyung.

Gently I peeled away Jungkook's hand and now blood stained shirt, pressing the dry towel against it instead, Jungkook's hand applied pressure at once.

Using the damp towel, I carefully dab his swollen cheek, earning a whimper from Taehyung and a glare from Jungkook. Gulping, I ignore the murderous look and continue, trying to be more delicate this time.

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