Chapter 7

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Your POV:

I ignored all the stares sent my way, perhaps even a few glares, I couldn't tell. My main focus was getting into dry clothes and getting Jin's blazer dried and sent to him. 

Scurrying towards the staff locker rooms, I shrugged off the blazer and began to peel away the wet fabric that clung to me. 

Jin, I laughed again just thinking of how we punned his name. He's nice, his blazer serving as a physical reminder of his sweet gesture. Voice somehow being able to sound like an old friend, comforting and warm. I wonder if we'll ever meet again?

I grab hold off my phone, and text Hannah of what just happened and to inform her I'll be slipping off duty for awhile. At least till I get the uniform dry.

But my message didn't go through.

Odd, it did yesterday.

I try messaging the rest of my friends only to come up with the same results.

Maybe the signal is really bad today? Or something is jamming it up? Maybe its just my phone?

I look down at myself, left in only undergarments, soaked with pool water, I ultimately decide on drying them too and strip them off and slip into the black t-shirt and sweatpants I came here in.

I stuffed my phone into the locker, deciding to deal with it later while I slung Jin's blazer over my shoulders.

Stupid ship has a fully heated pool along with an open bar but can't afford proper heating in the staff changing rooms.

Bundling up the wet clothes in my arms, and holding my employee card between my teeth, I quickly head out. I had limited time, if I wanted to not get caught by my superiors.

I needed to run over to my room and blast my soaking clothes the best I could  with my hairdryer. 

Just as I get the door open, I'm met with Kim Taehyung with his hand held up, almost as if here were about to knock on the door.

Nuh-uh this guy has a bounty on his head and I don't want to be caught in the crossfire.

He's about to speak, what bad timing. I bow my head, like what he did when we met and then run away.

"Jamkkananyo! You drop thing!" He didn't need to yell, only raise his voice, the hallways were as lively as a cemetery.


I spun around, and see him holding the strap of my bra between two fingers, dangling it in front of him as he watched the water drop.

My card dropped right out of my lips grasp onto the bundle of clothes in my arms.

...I'd like to say it was a great bra, you know sexy black lingerie kinda thing but it wasn't. It's my old faithful nude coloured one, with overstretched straps, slight frays and has gone without a wash longer than I would like to admit.

Of all the damn days and of all the damn people.

I stomped up to him, with a pretend wall of dignity. Snatching it from him with more force than intended and burying it beneath my bundled up shirt, too embarrassed to even look him in the eye.

Should I go? Should I say something? Oh wait I haven't thanked him! Oh my gosh (y/n) you idiot!

"Thank you," my panicked self huffed out, kind of regretting not staying in that pool longer.

That sounded half-assed, I need to look him in the eye and do it right.

I slowly tear my gaze away from our shoes, travelling up his toned jean-clad legs, to a vertically stripped shirt loosely tucked into his pants, top two unbuttons undone, exposing his collar bones and a slight hint of a well-built chest, all under perfectly smooth golden skin.

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