Chapter 15

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Your POV:

3 murders. 8 abductions.

No sign of Jin, Hannah or Liam.

Is this an inside job? If it was wouldn't Hannah have been spared since her aunt works here?

Who is Noah? Can he really be trusted? Noah lost a brother but, it doesn't necessarily prove him innocent, brothers can be on bad terms.

But he didn't expose me though.

My brain is going into overdrive thinking of all of this, nothing made sense, pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that didn't fit together.

We've been crawling for quite awhile in silence, Namjoon knows it all and by the worry plaguing his face its evident his brain is going into overdrive too.

"Hyung?" Taehyung calls out before exchanging a few words with Namjoon in Korean.

I focused on the floor beneath me, intent on not crawling onto any weak points and falling through ...again.

Was this a bad idea? We've been crawling in this metal tube for what seems like forever, the only notable thing being when we ran into Noah.

"(Y/n) we sh-" right then my face collided into something hard, instinctively, my head jerked back, forgetting I'm in a small space, the back of my head now slamming into the metal above us, a dull throb arose where my head collided.

"(Y/n), are you alright?" I hear Namjoon calling from behind, I nodded quickly. It wasn't that hard of a bump, the pain should go away eventually. The embarrassment however won't.

I open my eyes enough to see Taehyung, half turned around, one of his hands on the side of his butt. Don't tell me out of al the places I could've headbutted it was there?

Taehyung gawked, blinking rapidly, cheeks slightly flushed.

"Namjoon did I just ram my head into Taehyungs butt cheek?"

An awkward laugh tumbled out his mouth "err, I mean, I wouldn't use the word ram but in a sense yes,"

I groaned, after crying together we'd become a little more comfortable around each other. This little spectacle is going to send the awkwardness through the roof again.


Taehyung didn't react to my sorry, probably still too flustered to react.

Namjoon broke the silence first "Anyways before we sustain anymore injuries, it's time to head back. Wouldn't want any of the boys worrying right?"

I turned around as fast as I could, Namjoons amused face greeted me. He tilted his head to the side, looking beyond me at Taehyung and stifled a laugh.

My gaze flickered back to Taehyung, he to had turned around, his head hung low, blond locks covering his face. His ears poked out from the side, a brilliant shade of red.


Jimin POV:

The weird song blasted through the P.A system, followed by the same musical beeping.

"Ah welcome, welcome, my beautiful underlings,"

Underlings? What the heck are those?
...sounds like underwear and ducklings.
Maybe it's underwear with ducklings on it. Yes, ...or ducklings wearing underwear.

"Anyways I see more of you have been following the rules of the game, it's getting a little booooring~"

The speaker cackled, I still don't quite get what he's saying. I can hear the words but I don't know what most of them mean.

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