Chapter 3

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Black engulfed the room.

"Uh, gurr?" he whispered out.

I think he tried to say girl? Right, he doesn't know my name yet.

I blindly reach out for him to no avail.

Standing up, I managed to take an unsteady step forward and collide straight into what felt like a shoulder.


Instead a menacing laughter bubbled out of the person before me "Is that what he told you his name is?"

Clear, fluent English with no pause between syllables. This isn't him.

Gulping, I stumbled back only to have another hand latch around my waist and drag me out.

"Kim-"  I got cut off by the sound of a metal tray clanging onto someone.

In the next second I'm out the door, the hand around my waist belonged to Renoir, if that even is his name. He shut the storage room door and pushed a trolley of plates in front of the door before pulling me along again.

"Wait, wait. My feet hurt," he looked down worriedly, back at the door before ultimately crouching down in front of me.

"Excuse me what?"

Not a great time for leap frog if that's what he's implying.

"ON!" He urgently says, glancing back at me "I carry."

"No I'm not getting onto some strangers ba-"

"You can run but you can't hide," a voice from behind calls out in a sing-song manner.

I practically threw myself onto his back, my hands loosely gripped onto the damned shoes that got me into the situation, arms around his shoulders while he slipped an arm under each of my thighs and got up. He began running, until we reached a crossroad, he halted, looking at me for an answer.

Left to the kitchen.

...or was it right?

Using his hands he jolted my body upwards, asking me to hurry with his eyes.

Left or right?

I point left, nudging my chin in that direction as well.

He takes off. 

The corridors get narrower, the lights dimmer.

Uh-oh, maybe it was right after all.

"Door! Door!" I point excitedly when the rectangle outline of a door, an illuminated sign that read 'exit' above it came into view.

"Arayo, arayo,"
(I know, I know)

He ran forward using his shoulder to push the door open.

Definitely not the kitchen.

We busted out, onto a small outdoor balcony right a the end of the ship. This place, bare metal and zero fancy anything makes the inside corridor seem like a luxurious pathway.

But the view is phenomenal, inky black ocean that rippled slightly, gentle warm glow of the moon, twinkling stars that lit up the dark sky.

In the moment I forgot the situation we were in until two hands beneath my thighs disappear and my butt came crashing onto the cold ground. 

I groaned, he paid no attention to me and stepped over, heading towards the door and locking it.

Once he got that done he leaned his back against the walls and slid down slowly, chest rising and falling rapidly, head thrown back in fatigue.

"Your real name?" 

His eyes flickered onto me before he shut them "Kim Taehyung."

I continued admiring the view, taking a small breather after just nows shit-show.

Then a thought, one that brought dread, hit me.

Hannah never told me what to do if I go down the other corridor, we cant go back where we came the creep could be there. Taehyung's most likely just a passenger so I doubt he knows more than I do and the whole he may actually be the bad guy thing is still hanging in the air.

"...I think we're lost,"

"Lost?" He drowsily mumbles out.

He must be tired already. Poor guy, had to carry me all the way out here.


Hand what?

Maybe its the sleep deprivation but I can't process whatever's coming out of his mouth.

Upon sensing my confusion he holds his right palm out in front of him, using the index finger of his other palm he poked his right palm repeatedly saying "beep, boop, beep," on repeat.


He hold his right palm next to his ear now "ring ring, ring ring,"


My hands instinctively reach within my pockets only to grasp nothing but fabric and be painfully reminded that I left my phone with my casual clothes.

(Don't have?)


...where are the subtitles? 

Years of watching subbed dramas and anime have trained my eyes to read at the speed of light but not my ears to understand the languages.

"Ah I, you not have p-on?" He points at his palm, a.k.a the pretend phone.

Shaking my head, I look at him expectantly, hoping he had one. He just sighed, shoulders slumping forward in disappointment, well I guess that's a no.

...what now.

We stare at one another, his chin resting on his knees, mouth slightly ajar. While my entire body weight rested on the ledge of this balcony thing.

I have no clue who he is.
We can barely communicate.
Psycho killer is out to get us.
We have no clue where we are.
Did I mention some psycho is out to get us?
Neither of us have a phone
To top it all off both of us are dead tired.

Ultimately my legs caved in and I sat across him, letting my back rest against the cool metal surface. 

"You... country people?" He says after a long pause.

I blink blankly, is he asking if I'm from the countryside? He mirrors me, staring with a vacant expression.

"I don't understand,"

He nods vigorously "Same,"

At least that's one thing we managed to establish between us.

"Why..." I trailed off, unsure if I should or could for the matter ask about this but his eyes urged me to continue "...did he try to kidnap you?"

"Kid nap?" He pressed his two palms together and placed them on his left cheek. A loud fake snore tumbled out of his mouth and his eyes momentarily shut "Nap? This is nap? Right?"


This is going to be a long night.

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