Chapter 1

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Your POV:


The first thing that hit my nose is how salty the ocean air smelled.

And wet.

It's salty and wet like soggy chips and before I even step onto the cruise ship I know this weather is going to wreak havoc on my hair. 

"Why so glum (Y/n)?" my friend, Hannah nudged my side.

I shook my head in response, as we headed towards the boarding site.

We couldn't afford the most luxurious cabin but regardless everything was perfect; a huge sleek ship supplied with the latest technology, a heated pool, a forever open bar and from the looks of it very attractive staff.

"Hannah, how did you manage to snag a deal on something like this?" I asked, still mesmerised by the chunk of floating metal.

She was the one who dealt with all the arrangements for the 3 week long cruise, she hadn't even asked us for much when we had to pay for the tickets.

"Hannah?" I asked again.

When I turn to her a guilty half-grin and half-grimace spread along her lips. I look at our other 3 friends, Liam, Lynne, Atlas, yes Atlas is his real name, and all 3 of them slowly began to grow a little uncomfortable.

"Did Hannah forget to tell you?" Liam nervously squeaked out.

...forget to tell me what.

They took my facial expression as a yes and all diverted their gaze onto Hannah.

"Hannah Liu Xin Yi, what is going on?"

I rarely call her by her full name, she nervously licked her lips before shooting me with the brightest puppy dog eyes she could muster "so... (y/n) I would like you to keep all the wonderful memories we have together in mind as you listen to what I say next," 

.....did they kill someone to get the boarding passes or? Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Lynne did murder someone.

She nervously toyed with her fingers as she continued on speaking "Well my aunt is one of the staff here and she pulled some strings to get us in but in exchange we have too...."



Are you fvcking kidding me!

I looked at myself in the uniform; shirt, vest, tie, heels, at least I had pants. I'm part of the on-deck servers.

Great, great. I'll need to stand by, rushing around collecting empty glasses and whatnot.

Lynne popped up from the side, dressed in a uniform identical to mine "Don't worry (y/n), it's only from 8 to 11 on weeknights," she gave me a side-hug and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"I know, had I known I wouldn't have come though,"

Her nose scrunched up "Lame,"

"Am not," I defensively shot back just as another face, Liam's, came into view.

He casually propped his chin onto the crown of my head, this is what I am to my friends, a headrest.

"Relax, the party only really starts at 12 anyway and who knows maybe you'll find someone special while working," he wiggled his eyebrows.

Party? Isn't this supposed to be some kind of relaxing getaway, I imagined something more along the lines of comfort food, wine and a massage. The closest thing I had to indulge myself in would be the complimentary bowl of fortune cookies in each room.

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