Chapter 39

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Your POV:

Everyone slowly distances themselves, I may not understand the language they speak but the body language along with the several conflicting emotions in the air made things almost crystal clear.

Bottom line is, the seven of them together are one, it's an incomplete family if even one of them isn't here.

We're all getting off one way or another, them and my friends and I too.

Oh crap Lynnes still in the bathroom.

Excusing myself from their happy circle, I dash over to the bathroom, swinging the door open, pulling Lynne into a near bone-crushing hug.

"Last time you hugged me like this was when I let you have the last slice of pizza. What do you want this time, a kidney?" doubt evident in her tone as she loosely hugs back.

"I'm just really happy that you're here, we'll find Hannah and Atlas, we'll all get off safely, I promise,"

"Since when were you so mushy?" her nose wrinkles up before burying her face into my shoulder.

"Regardless... I'll keep you to it," her voice softens, grip tightening slightly before letting go completely "who's the white clad dude?"

My head swung back, true enough another medic entered, not noticing us yet. Exiting the room I make sure to shut the bathroom door behind me, Lynnes a stolen patient after all.

"Hello, I'm here to remove a Mr.Kim Taehyungs stitches?"

Taehyungs eyebrow cocked up, suspicion flooding his face. I'm assuming Namjoon didn't get around to telling him.

"Yea, he's right here," Namjoon gestures towards Taehyung.

Taehyungs eyes went wide immediately as he looked behind him "Eodi?"

Namjoon clears his throat, stepping forward he shook hands with the medic before translating for Taehyung.

Taehyung was only confused at first at the arrival of the strange man but now he seems to absolutely despises the man in front of us.

"Je Jung yorisa-ibnida," Taehyung very expressively gestures to himself "I cook the nyom," he feeds himself air on an invisible spoon.
(I am chef Jung)

"Kim Taehyung-i nuguya?" Taehyung forms binoculars with his palms and looks around the room. Some of the older members are holding back laughs, others overflowing with pity.
(Who is Kim Taehyung?)

In the other room, cameras clicking and Lorraines authorative voice could still be heard.

Looks like it'll have to be in this room, the medic sets up his small bag on the side table, gesturing for Taehyung to sit on the couch.

With his eyes practically screaming for help, Taehyung slowly inches his way towards the couch, the medic himself, pulling the wingback chair beside Taehyung, adjusting the chair angle before adjusting the angle of Taehyungs head.

He winced before the medic even touches his skin, and when antiseptic is applied he yelps, calming down when he sees it's only a cotton ball being dabbed onto his skin.

The medic grew a little flustered with Taehyung jumping at nearly every action he did. Placing the cotton ball down the medic directs his attention to us.

"He can hold someone's hand or a pillow to calm down, it would prevent complications if he doesn't flinch,"

Taehyung seems to understand, his eyes perking up. Regardless, Namjoon translated, the moment he finished speaking Taehyungs hand reached out to me, making small grabbing gestures like a child.

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